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Old 10-14-2005, 09:04 PM   #1
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hosting my own website

Is it better to host my own website using my own hardware and etc or to just go with a company that can provide the hardware and etc for me. I was interested in starting my own IT service business and ecommerce business from home and at the same time and I want to cut some cost to try and get on my feet for at least the first year and minimize my debt. If I do decide to host my own website, do I have to consult with my ISP to see if that is ok. I need some advice thanks.
Old 10-14-2005, 10:02 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2004
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Well if you have a broadband connection at home, what i think is your case, you have a 'real' ip address that means other computers connected to the internet can access your machine remotely. This is good and bad.

If you decide to run your website from your machine you can. You just need to install a good firewall, iptables would work fine, a good webserver, httpd is the best bet, keep your home pc online all day long and find a good and free redirection service. I am not sure if that is the name but basicaclly they would translate the user's input, say, to a ip address that happens to be your home server, say

Or you can just pay a fee and have some isp do that for you.

I would go with the first option. Good luck.
Old 10-15-2005, 01:43 AM   #3
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hi Met

home DSL line can be done take a look

i use account once u look then u know how i did that and not so dificult

ps : do not blame what is inside , just want to show that's work with dynamic DSL because that is testing purpose
Old 10-15-2005, 03:41 PM   #4
Registered: Dec 2004
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If you're planning on having many visitors to your site, you should probably go with a hosting company. Many hosting plans can be had for around $5.00 a month, so it's not really a significant expense. Some even include a domain name for free. The problem with home DSL is that the upstream speed (the speed at which your visitors will be downloading your web content) is just not very fast. If you have more than a few people visiting your site at once, the slowdown will be very noticeable to them.
Old 10-16-2005, 03:49 PM   #5
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I was looking at and I looked at the different plans that they offer and If you really think about it all of those little things can really add up per month. I plan on starting off slow and eventually building my own business slow. I guess for a start I can host my own site. Question:

If I choose to run my DNS service through my ISP, is that expensive and or is that something that I can do myself?


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