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Old 11-08-2005, 10:35 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Mansfield Ohio
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 15
Help with creating shares

I'm trying to create a software share for software and a student share for students but both aren't allowing me in. Here's the config file

Global parameters
workgroup = 219_LINUX
printcap name = /etc/printcap
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u
logon script = logon.bat
logon path =
domain logons = Yes
os level = 33
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
admin users = @admins
printer admin = @admins
print command = lpr -l %s
veto files = /*.mp3/*.divx/*.eml/

comment = Home Directories
valid users = %S
read only = No
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750
browseable = No

path = /home/samba/netlogon
read list = @admins, @teachers, @students
write list = @admins

path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
read only = No
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700

comment = All Printers
path = /var/tmp
create mask = 0666
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
browseable = No

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
write list = @admins, root
force group = admins
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775

comment = Shared area for teachers
path = /home/samba/teachers
valid users = @teachers
read list = @teachers
write list = @teachers
force group = teachers
read only = No
create mask = 0774
directory mask = 0775

comment = storage area for software and drivers
path = /home/samba/software
valid users = @teachers, @admins, @students, @administrator, @teacher
read list = @teachers, @admins, @students, @administrator, @teacher
write list = @admins, @teacher, @administrator
force group = admins
read only = No
create mask = 0774
directory mask = 0775

comment = Student Share
path = /home/student
valid users = %S
read only = No
Old 11-09-2005, 05:28 AM   #2
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