Hi! The reqd. security is achived.
If anybody needs help, welcome...
Hi! All,
Kindly help me in setting up in customized ACL for my LAN milieu.
I want full web access to few m/c's on my LAN and allow access to few technical web-sites to the remanining m/c's.
I have setup the following but that disallows access to all websites to few m/c's.
niceSrc: is the list of IP's, I want to give full web-acess.
fewSrc: is the list of IP's, I want to give acces to few
tech. web-sites mentioned in file nicedst.
niceDst: is the list of technical words e.g. - ibm, compaq
acl fewsrc src "usr/local/conf/data/fewSrc"
acl nicesrc src "usr/local/conf/data/niceSrc"
acl nicedst url_regex -i = "usr/local/conf/data/niceDst"
http_access allow niceSrc
http_access deny fewsrc
http_access allow niceDst
http_access deny all
Kindly help....
Last edited by tina_gora; 06-20-2001 at 12:59 AM.