gSheild to set up IPTables rules???
Are you using gSheild to create IPtables rule sets? You can check by dong `iptables -nL` If there are rules listed there, you can run the following command: `service iptables save`. That will create the script to run at boot time. Then you need to check that IPtables is set to start at boot time `chkconfig --list |grep iptables` You will want all levels execpt 0, 1 and 6 to say on instead of off. If they are not set to on run `chkconfig --level 2345 iptables on`. Also, if you are running IPtables you can not also run IPchains so you will need to do a `chkcofig --list |grep ipchains` to see that IPchains is set to start upon boot. If IPchains is also set to start, `chkconfig --level 123456 ipchains off` will take care of that.
If you are using IPchains, the above won't help much but many of the steps should be similar.