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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 10-04-2001, 12:34 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Bryan, Ohio USA (Home of the Etch-A Sketch)
Distribution: RedHat 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3
Posts: 76

Rep: Reputation: 15


This is what i am trying to set up so my PC can get out to the internet through the linux box. i have redhat 7.1 and with the 2.4 kernal i need to use net filter or NAT or something like that. i've looked at some of the other questions and tried doing what some other people have suggested:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ipchains -F
ipchains -P input ACCEPT
ipchains -P output ACCEPT
ipchains -P forward ACCEPT
ipchains -A forward -i eth0 -j MASQ

But that didn't work, i can ping back and forth between computers just fine, is there something i am missing? or am i just doing this completely wrong, i've read a HOWTO on NAT, but it wasn't very specific, so i didn't know what to do, any help would be appreciated. Also, i've set my PC's gateway to be and the DNS to be my ISP's DNS nuimbers, is that correct?
Old 10-04-2001, 01:45 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2001
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all i do is:

/sbin/ipchains -A forward -i ppp0 -j MASQ
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

in my /etc/rc.local file and it works perfick (rh71 2.4.2)

everything else looks fine.

oh and can you please use relevant message titles in future.. makes it much easier.
Old 10-04-2001, 02:30 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Bryan, Ohio USA (Home of the Etch-A Sketch)
Distribution: RedHat 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3
Posts: 76

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
thanks Acid

will do in the future. i just didn't know how else to get someone to look at my post, i've posted like 4 other times before but have only gotten like one reply, thanks again.
Old 10-04-2001, 02:58 PM   #4
Registered: Jun 2001
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well.. this ones got two.. oh no.. three replies alredy.. maybe it does work!


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