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Old 09-02-2001, 11:38 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Distribution: Redhat 7.3
Posts: 4

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Getting DHCP client lease without configuring interface

Hi all,

I am working on a server that needs to open n ppp connections over
emulated serial ports. For that end I devised a mechanizem to allocate
a new IP address for each connection. However, I will like to use DHCP

As far as I understand pppd does not support this feature, however if
I will be able to use dhcp client to get a lease, and instad of
configuring an interface, get the IP address say to the stdout, I will
be able to pump this to the pppd and thus solve my problem.

But how do I go about doing such a thing, or am I going about it in
the rong way,



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