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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 06-06-2001, 07:03 AM   #1
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Ive set up online copies of O'Reilly's DNS & BIND, 3rd edition and Sendmail 2nd edition for anyone interested in the messy dissection of these beasts.
"wget -m" to make ureself a local copy.
Old 06-06-2001, 07:52 AM   #2
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way nifty...

It would be really handy/fun/interesting to attach user's notes to each section. My paper copy is getting extra ink all the time. Things like exclamation points, big stars, arrows, comments, traps. Clarifications on some concepts for new 'admins' in 'small' networks. Even casual rebuttal - necessary for gems like;
"A zone contains the domain names that the domain with the same domain name contains, except for domain names in delegated subdomains."
To this day I still have to read that three or four times. As far as I can tell it's an accurate statement but part of me still wants to run it through babel and see if it makes more sense.

As for sendmail, I thought I pretty much had a handle on it 'til I saw the O'Reilly volume on the shelf at the bookstore. "Hey." said self. "That's a pretty big book for a pretty straighfoward application." So I bought it. That was a year ago and it still scares me whenever I open it.
Old 06-06-2001, 07:59 AM   #3
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All I can say is cool.
So I take it the one's that are grayed out right now will be coming soon as well?
Old 06-06-2001, 09:20 AM   #4
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It would be really handy/fun/interesting to attach user's notes to each section.
Thats a damn kewl idea to make this into a "living" document. Maybe u could start a masterclass here & we all take notes eh? :-]

So I take it the one's that are grayed out right now will be coming soon as well?
I aint Conan The Librarian, so Im thinkin this is what most ppl want to add to their reference shelf. *Maybe* Ill add some hard(er) to find stuff later on. But thats a big maybe.


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