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Old 06-09-2001, 12:38 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 2

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I just installed Redhat 7.1 but cannot reach its ftp server from other computers on the LAN. I have set up ftp servers before on other Linux systems without any problems but now I do not get any acknowledgement when I use a front end like WS_FTP to try to make an ftp connection.

This is what I found so far-

1)I can ping the Redhat server
2) I get an error message in the message log that "\misc\.directory" cannot be created.
3) If I try to move anything into the \misc directory I can't - neither can I delete it - even though I am root.
4) I have tried to set permissions, files etc. through netcfg.

Any suggestions - I am stuck. Thanks,

Old 06-09-2001, 11:02 AM   #2
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The error about "\misc\." (should be "/misc/."?) in messages is produced by what program - your FTP daemon? You say you do not get any acknowledgment when using a front end - what happens from the command line? When you try to modify /misc are you root on the command line?

Also what permissions are you trying to set with netcfg? What user are you trying to FTP as - root? If this is the case you will probably want to look at /etc/ftpusers

Post some more details when you get a moment.


Old 06-13-2001, 11:32 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 2

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Thanks for the reply. I have solved the problem as follows:

1) First I learned that the /misc directory was created by the automount program. I managed to somehow delete the file (after trying really hard and changing some automout config files) which in turn caused the file system to operate very slowly.

2) I then reinstalled the os (Red Hat 7.1). I also learned about xinetd and its config files. After I set those up properly (they were off by default) and loaded xinetd the whole thing worked just fine.




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