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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 10-27-2001, 07:54 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 105

Rep: Reputation: 15
ftp network

I can't get samba to work on my linux machine. I have 2 computers hooked up on a 100MB switch. I want to send files to the linux machine. Can I do this using ftp over the local network. Note: Linux is not my gateway the switch also is a firewall and router.
Old 10-27-2001, 11:14 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: red hat 7
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 15
Re: ftp network

Originally posted by enzo250gto
I can't get samba to work on my linux machine. I have 2 computers hooked up on a 100MB switch. I want to send files to the linux machine. Can I do this using ftp over the local network. Note: Linux is not my gateway the switch also is a firewall and router.
yes u can use ftp (i use proftpd instead of samba). u can also use sshd. there is another service starting with T but i won't say it. the possibilities r endless
Old 10-28-2001, 02:02 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 105

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Rep: Reputation: 15
ftp from a win machine

Maybe I should have been more clear. I have a win2k machine with lots of files. I want to use a ftp program(cuteftp, leechftp, etc) on the win2k box to upload files to my /home/user directory on my linux box. Can this be done? Both computers have virtual IPs of 198.168.x.x because they are hooked to a router/switch. I already tried with the linux ip port 21 using my account name and password that is the same as the one on my linux machine.
Old 10-28-2001, 02:43 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2001
Distribution: red hat 7
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 15
Re: ftp from a win machine

Originally posted by enzo250gto
Maybe I should have been more clear. I have a win2k machine with lots of files. I want to use a ftp program(cuteftp, leechftp, etc) on the win2k box to upload files to my /home/user directory on my linux box. Can this be done?
yes, just run a ftp daemon (proftpd is my choice) on the linux box.

Originally posted by enzo250gto
Both computers have virtual IPs of 198.168.x.x because they are hooked to a router/switch. I already tried with the linux ip port 21 using my account name and password that is the same as the one on my linux machine.
not sure what u mean by virtual ip's. if u can ping each other from either box and there's no firewall then i can't see the problem. u say u've tried accessing the linux box on port 21, if u'r not running a ftp server then obviously connecting to 21 won't work.


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