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Old 05-29-2001, 06:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Hello Team,

I just upgraded from Red Hat 7.0 to 7.1 and suddenly I can't FTP into my site any longer. Telnet works, Apache works, but I can't FTP. I get the following message when I try;

Errof on user id: Must perform authentication before identifying USER.

The odd thing is that I was using FTP fine with 7.0 and I don't recall changing any settings. I sure can't find where there is anything set to keep me out. Additionally, when I log in with Telnet I get the following message;

Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm while getting initial credentials

But it lets me log in.
So, I'm stumped. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks.
Old 05-29-2001, 08:26 PM   #2
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when I read KDC it hit me; its a Kerberos thing.
I think Kerberos was added, like as service or as PAM required authentication.
Old 05-31-2001, 04:49 PM   #3
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Question DNS Woes

Hello Team,

I went through and couldn't find where the Kerebos or PAM authentication was causing the problem so I just reinstalled Red Hat 7.1 from scratch.

Everything seemed to be fine. I set the DNS with bindconf and everything seemed to work. However I wanted to make sure my DNS settings were what I was using successfully before. So I copied and pasted my DNS settings from a text file I had saved of them into the variousl files via Webmin.

Now, incredibly, I can't get to the home page on my server via I can use just about anything else, like, or even with But www refuses to work as it did before.

I'm currently banging my head on my desk repeatedly. As I had thought I had finally worked out the nightmare that is DNS. But nothing I thought had resolved my problems before seems to be working now. Any ideas?

Old 05-31-2001, 07:42 PM   #4
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an online "dig" shows SOA, A and MX for, but not for I think its a records thing.


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