Fedora Core 3 *.org problem
I have a problem with FC3 -
Everything works fine except that I cannot access any .org site (for example this site) using any browser.
Here's what I have tried -
1) Using another browser - Mozilla, forefox, opera, elinks all won't allow me to access a .org site (.com, .net and .gov are all fine). I keep being directed to my university's 'page cannot be found' page
2) Using the IP address instead of the URL - I know that's not going to work, and it didn't
3) Pinging .org sites - that does not work - it transfers me to an IP in my university
4) Turned off my firewall - didn't help
This computer is a dual boot with Windows, and I have no trouble from the windows partition.
I run several other Slackware boxes, and I have no problem with them. I was forced to use FC3 (much as I hate it), and cannot change to Slackware (much as I want to).
So here's a summary:
Windows = everything works
Slackware linux = everything works
FC3 = cannot access .org sites
Thanks for any help you can provide.