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Old 08-27-2004, 05:08 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

Rep: Reputation: 0
Arrow Fedora core 2 problem in dial up modem!! Too slow!!Help please

I use Fedora core 2.
I have already used the same modem with mandrake 10 and slackware for internet connection.
There is a problem with my internet connection in fedora core 2.
I have a windows XP and fedora core 2 dual boot PC.
I use a 56kbps dax external modem.
In windows XP it connect at 45333 bps.
But,in fedora core 2 it connects at 9600 bps.
I want to connect to internet using fedora core 2.
I found lots of messages regarding this issue in the internet.
I have given various log files information......

WHILE USING FEDORA CORE 2------>system-config-network and kppp

The /var/log/message content shows as:

Aug 26 22:16:36 localhost ifup-ppp: pppd started for Touchtel on /dev/ttyS1 at 460800
Aug 26 22:16:36 localhost pppd[2303]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: Initializing modem.
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: Sending: ATZ
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: ATZ
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: OK
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: OK
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: Sending: ATM1L4
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: ATM1L4
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: ERROR
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: Bad init string.
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost wvdial[2318]: stdin not read/write and $MODEM not set
Aug 26 22:16:37 localhost pppd[2303]: Connect script failed
Aug 26 22:16:38 localhost pppd[2303]: Exit.
Aug 26 22:22:28 localhost pppd[2433]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 26 22:22:28 localhost pppd[2433]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 26 22:22:28 localhost pppd[2433]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Aug 26 22:22:28 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Aug 26 22:22:29 localhost pppd[2433]: local IP address
Aug 26 22:22:29 localhost pppd[2433]: remote IP address
Aug 26 22:22:29 localhost pppd[2433]: primary DNS address
Aug 26 22:22:29 localhost pppd[2433]: secondary DNS address
Aug 26 22:22:29 localhost pppd[2433]: Received bad configure-nak/rej: 12 06 00 00 00 01
Aug 26 22:26:04 localhost pppd[2433]: Terminating on signal 15.
Aug 26 22:26:05 localhost pppd[2433]: Connection terminated.
Aug 26 22:26:05 localhost pppd[2433]: Connect time 3.6 minutes.
Aug 26 22:26:05 localhost pppd[2433]: Sent 112 bytes, received 404 bytes.
Aug 26 22:26:06 localhost pppd[2433]: Connect time 3.6 minutes.
Aug 26 22:26:06 localhost pppd[2433]: Sent 112 bytes, received 404 bytes.
Aug 26 22:26:06 localhost pppd[2433]: Exit.

WHILE USING WINDOWS XP[modem log file]

08-27-2004 00:54:24.731 - Modem type: 56K Smart SCM Modem(EXTERNAL)
08-27-2004 00:54:24.731 - Modem inf path: oem0.inf
08-27-2004 00:54:24.731 - Modem inf section: Install
08-27-2004 00:54:24.731 - Matching hardware ID: serenum\rss0303
08-27-2004 00:54:24.731 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
08-27-2004 00:54:24.731 - Initializing modem.
08-27-2004 00:54:24.741 - Send: AT<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.741 - Recv: AT<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.741 - Command Echo
08-27-2004 00:54:24.741 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.741 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.751 - Send: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.751 - Recv: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.751 - Command Echo
08-27-2004 00:54:24.761 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.761 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.771 - Send: ATS7=60S30=0L1M1+ES=3,0,2;+DS=3;+IFC=2,2;BX4<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.771 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.771 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.771 - Waiting for a call.
08-27-2004 00:54:24.781 - Send: at+vcid=1<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.781 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.781 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.791 - Send: ATS0=0<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.801 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.801 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.901 - 921600,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
08-27-2004 00:54:24.901 - Initializing modem.
08-27-2004 00:54:24.911 - Send: AT<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.911 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.911 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.921 - Send: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.941 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.941 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.951 - Send: ATS7=60S30=0L1M0+ES=3,0,2;+DS=3;+IFC=2,2;BX4<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.951 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:24.951 - Interpreted response: OK
08-27-2004 00:54:24.951 - Dialing.
08-27-2004 00:54:24.961 - Send: ATDT####<cr>
08-27-2004 00:54:48.655 - Recv: <cr><lf>+MCR: V90<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:48.655 - Interpreted response: Informative
08-27-2004 00:54:48.655 - Recv: <cr><lf>+MRR: 45333<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:48.655 - Interpreted response: Informative
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Recv: <cr><lf>+ER: LAPM<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Interpreted response: Informative
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Recv: <cr><lf>+DR: V42B<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Interpreted response: Informative
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Recv: <cr><lf>CONNECT 115200<cr><lf>
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Interpreted response: Connect
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Connection established at 45333bps.
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Error-control on.
08-27-2004 00:54:48.985 - Data compression on.

Steps taken by me:

step 1:[upgrading kernel]
This problem persists in both kernels-2.6.5-1.358 and 2.6.6-1.427.
I have sent the /var/log/message in fedora core 2.

step 2:[change modem init strings in kppp and wvdial]
While searching i found that replacing correct modem init scripts rectifies the problem.
I found the respective inf file in windows xp and copied the init strings.
These are the modem init strings in my windows *.inf file.I replaced the modem init string in /etc/wvdial.conf and ran wvdial as root.
HKR, Init, 1,, "AT<cr>"
HKR, Init, 2,, "AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1<cr>"

Even after changing the init strings the system connects at 9600 bps.

Console output is:

[root@localhost ignacius]# wvdial Touchtel
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: AT
--> Sending: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT1500
--> Waiting for carrier.
+MCR: V90
+MRR: 45333
+DR: V42B
--> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
--> Starting pppd at Fri Aug 27 13:12:35 2004
--> pid of pppd: 2496
Caught signal #2! Attempting to exit gracefully...
--> Disconnecting at Fri Aug 27 13:13:08 2004

please help me in this regard.
I need immediate help.
Thank you all in advance.

Old 08-27-2004, 07:42 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Distribution: a few...
Posts: 654

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kernel upgrades you need ppp and ppp via asynch serial port support (can't think of anything else in there that relates)

Don't use wvdial, use straight kppp for better results, kppp will detect your modem (once you tell it where it is connected)
check the wvdial config file and change the speed setting

--> Waiting for carrier.
+MCR: V90
+MRR: 45333
+DR: V42B
--> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
the order there (the connect before carrier detection) implies its a configuration issue

According to RedHat 7 unleashed (blows of dust) the config should contain:
[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyS1
Baud = 115200
Init1 = ....
Set the Baud argument to something faster (say 115200) the book (largely useless) then cites the output as being what you got, except the CONNECT line is running a faster speed.

Last edited by chakkerz; 08-27-2004 at 07:43 AM.
Old 08-27-2004, 01:02 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

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Rep: Reputation: 0
I used the above given details in /etc/wvdial.conf
My wvdial.conf file is:
Modem = /dev/ttyS1
Baud = 115200
SetVolume = 4
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
FlowControl = NOFLOW

[Dialer Touchtel]
Username = xxxx
Password = xxxx
Phone = 1500
Stupid Mode = 1
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT S11=50
Inherits = Modem0

The output was:
[root@localhost ignacius]# wvdial Touchtel
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: AT S11=50
AT S11=50
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT1500
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
--> Starting pppd at Fri Aug 27 21:28:59 2004
--> pid of pppd: 2227

ERROR shown by Konqueror is:
An error occurred while loading
Unknown host

Later i changed
init1 =ATZ
The part from /var/log/message is

Aug 27 21:28:59 localhost pppd[2227]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 27 21:28:59 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
Aug 27 21:28:59 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Aug 27 21:29:00 localhost pppd[2227]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 27 21:29:00 localhost pppd[2227]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Aug 27 21:29:00 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Aug 27 21:29:01 localhost pppd[2227]: local IP address
Aug 27 21:29:01 localhost pppd[2227]: remote IP address
Aug 27 21:29:01 localhost pppd[2227]: primary DNS address
Aug 27 21:29:01 localhost pppd[2227]: secondary DNS address
Aug 27 21:29:01 localhost pppd[2227]: Received bad configure-nak/rej: 12 06 00 00 00 01
Aug 27 21:30:09 localhost pppd[2227]: Terminating on signal 15.
Aug 27 21:30:09 localhost pppd[2227]: Connection terminated.
Aug 27 21:30:09 localhost pppd[2227]: Connect time 1.2 minutes.
Aug 27 21:30:09 localhost pppd[2227]: Sent 112 bytes, received 404 bytes.
Aug 27 21:30:10 localhost pppd[2227]: Connect time 1.2 minutes.
Aug 27 21:30:10 localhost pppd[2227]: Sent 112 bytes, received 404 bytes.
Aug 27 21:30:10 localhost pppd[2227]: Exit.

When i changed baud rate to 56000 kppp showed an error and terminated
The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!
Exit status: 10
See 'man pppd' for an explanation of the error codes or take a look at the kppp FAQ on

Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: Modem hangup
Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: Connection terminated.
Aug 27 21:38:18 localhost pppd[2331]: Exit.

when i changed baud rate to 46800
Output from log of KPPP



Aug 27 21:40:00 localhost pppd[2355]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 27 21:40:00 localhost pppd[2355]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 27 21:40:00 localhost pppd[2355]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Aug 27 21:40:01 localhost pppd[2355]: local IP address
Aug 27 21:40:01 localhost pppd[2355]: remote IP address
Aug 27 21:40:01 localhost pppd[2355]: primary DNS address
Aug 27 21:40:01 localhost pppd[2355]: secondary DNS address
Aug 27 21:40:01 localhost pppd[2355]: Received bad configure-nak/rej: 12 06 00 00 00 01
Aug 27 21:41:35 localhost pppd[2355]: Terminating on signal 15.
Aug 27 21:41:36 localhost pppd[2355]: Connection terminated.
Aug 27 21:41:36 localhost pppd[2355]: Connect time 1.6 minutes.
Aug 27 21:41:36 localhost pppd[2355]: Sent 112 bytes, received 404 bytes.
Aug 27 21:41:36 localhost pppd[2355]: Connect time 1.6 minutes.
Aug 27 21:41:36 localhost pppd[2355]: Sent 112 bytes, received 404 bytes.
Aug 27 21:41:36 localhost pppd[2355]: Exit.

Even if i change to 115200
It gets connected at 9600 only.The max transfer is 1kb/sec
The error from konqueror is
An error occurred while loading http:\\
No hostname specified.

Old 08-27-2004, 01:20 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Any body using dax 56k external modem and using fedora core please send the
details about the configurations you use for dialups.

If you can please attach your wvdial.conf[without your password and login details]
And also if you can please give the settings for dial up connection you use....

thank you in advance

Old 08-28-2004, 08:35 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

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Rep: Reputation: 0
I added the lines
echo "alias net-pf-10 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
echo "alias ipv6 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf

Opened Gedit as root and browse to /etc/modprobe.conf
added these two lines:
alias net-pf-10 ipv4
install ipv4 /bin/true
Saved and rebooted.

/etc/wvdial.conf file

Modem = /dev/ttyS1
Baud = 460800
SetVolume = 4
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
FlowControl = CRTSCTS

[Dialer Touchtel]
Username = xxxx
Password = xxxx
Phone = 1500
Stupid Mode = 1
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
Init3 = ATS7=60S30=0L1M1+ES=3,0,2;+DS=3;+IFC=2,2;BX4
Inherits = Modem0

I connect using gnome menu------------------>system tools------------->network device control

Aug 28 09:10:08 localhost ifup-ppp: pppd started for Touchtel on /dev/ttyS1 at 460800
Aug 28 09:10:09 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
Aug 28 09:10:09 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Aug 28 09:10:09 localhost pppd[2413]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 28 09:10:10 localhost wvdial[2433]: WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
Aug 28 09:10:10 localhost wvdial[2433]: Initializing modem.
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: ATZ
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: ATZ
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: OK
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: OK
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: ATS7=60S30=0L1M1+ES=3,0,2;+DS=3;+IFC=2,2;BX4
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: OK
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Modem initialized.
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: ATDT1500
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Waiting for carrier.
Aug 28 09:10:37 localhost wvdial[2433]: +MCR: V90
Aug 28 09:10:37 localhost wvdial[2433]: +MRR: 45333
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: +ER: LAPM
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: +DR: V42B
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: CONNECT 9600
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: Carrier detected. Chatmode finished.
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost pppd[2413]: Serial connection established.
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost pppd[2413]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost pppd[2413]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: local IP address
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: remote IP address
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: primary DNS address
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: secondary DNS address
Aug 28 09:10:41 localhost pppd[2413]: Received bad configure-nak/rej: 12 06 00 00 00 01
Aug 28 09:10:43 localhost su(pam_unix)[2489]: session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Aug 28 09:10:43 localhost su(pam_unix)[2489]: session closed for user root
Aug 28 09:14:25 localhost pppd[2413]: Terminating on signal 15.
Aug 28 09:14:26 localhost su(pam_unix)[2539]: session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Aug 28 09:14:26 localhost su(pam_unix)[2539]: session closed for user root
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Modem hangup
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Connection terminated.
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Connect time 3.8 minutes.
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Sent 56526 bytes, received 156376 bytes.
Aug 28 09:14:29 localhost pppd[2413]: Connect time 3.8 minutes.
Aug 28 09:14:29 localhost pppd[2413]: Sent 56526 bytes, received 156376 bytes.
Aug 28 09:14:29 localhost pppd[2413]: Exit.
Aug 28 09:14:48 localhost gconfd (root-2392): GConf server is not in use, shutting down.
Aug 28 09:14:48 localhost gconfd (root-2392): Exiting

These outputs may help you...
[root@localhost ignacius]# ping -c 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2013ms

[root@localhost ignacius]# /sbin/ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:2370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1676770 (1.5 Mb) TX bytes:1676770 (1.5 Mb)

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:127 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:141 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:50438 (49.2 Kb) TX bytes:17466 (17.0 Kb)

I have doubts whether is this the maximum net speed possible in fedora?It is still somewhat slightly slower when compared to XP...
If any of you have detailed idea,Please give me what are the configuration files used by kppp.
What are the changes I have to make based on the above given details[The details given are for GNOME menu-->Network device control].

Any body using redhat 9 or fedora core1 and dax 56k external modem--->
please send your /etc/wvdial.conf file and /etc/modprobe.conf and other configuration files and kppp values in a detailed manner.It will be of great help to me.
Old 08-28-2004, 12:50 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Any of you using fedora core1,2 and redhat 9......
Please send your config files for net connetction....
Old 08-29-2004, 03:03 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Sorry for double posting-please allow this thread to be posted-I need urgent help

I added the lines
echo "alias net-pf-10 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
echo "alias ipv6 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf

Opened Gedit as root and browse to /etc/modprobe.conf
added these two lines:
alias net-pf-10 ipv4
install ipv4 /bin/true
Saved and rebooted.

/etc/wvdial.conf file

Modem = /dev/ttyS1
Baud = 460800
SetVolume = 4
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
FlowControl = CRTSCTS

[Dialer Touchtel]
Username = xxxx
Password = xxxx
Phone = 1500
Stupid Mode = 1
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
Init3 = ATS7=60S30=0L1M1+ES=3,0,2;+DS=3;+IFC=2,2;BX4
Inherits = Modem0

I connect using gnome menu------------------>system tools------------->network device control

Aug 28 09:10:08 localhost ifup-ppp: pppd started for Touchtel on /dev/ttyS1 at 460800
Aug 28 09:10:09 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
Aug 28 09:10:09 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Aug 28 09:10:09 localhost pppd[2413]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
Aug 28 09:10:10 localhost wvdial[2433]: WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
Aug 28 09:10:10 localhost wvdial[2433]: Initializing modem.
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: ATZ
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: ATZ
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: OK
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: AT&FE0V1S0=0&C1&D2+MR=2;+DR=1;+ER=1
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: OK
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: ATS7=60S30=0L1M1+ES=3,0,2;+DS=3;+IFC=2,2;BX4
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: OK
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Modem initialized.
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Sending: ATDT1500
Aug 28 09:10:11 localhost wvdial[2433]: Waiting for carrier.
Aug 28 09:10:37 localhost wvdial[2433]: +MCR: V90
Aug 28 09:10:37 localhost wvdial[2433]: +MRR: 45333
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: +ER: LAPM
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: +DR: V42B
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: CONNECT 9600
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost wvdial[2433]: Carrier detected. Chatmode finished.
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost pppd[2413]: Serial connection established.
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost pppd[2413]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 28 09:10:38 localhost pppd[2413]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: local IP address
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: remote IP address
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: primary DNS address
Aug 28 09:10:40 localhost pppd[2413]: secondary DNS address
Aug 28 09:10:41 localhost pppd[2413]: Received bad configure-nak/rej: 12 06 00 00 00 01
Aug 28 09:10:43 localhost su(pam_unix)[2489]: session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Aug 28 09:10:43 localhost su(pam_unix)[2489]: session closed for user root
Aug 28 09:14:25 localhost pppd[2413]: Terminating on signal 15.
Aug 28 09:14:26 localhost su(pam_unix)[2539]: session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Aug 28 09:14:26 localhost su(pam_unix)[2539]: session closed for user root
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Modem hangup
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Connection terminated.
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Connect time 3.8 minutes.
Aug 28 09:14:28 localhost pppd[2413]: Sent 56526 bytes, received 156376 bytes.
Aug 28 09:14:29 localhost pppd[2413]: Connect time 3.8 minutes.
Aug 28 09:14:29 localhost pppd[2413]: Sent 56526 bytes, received 156376 bytes.
Aug 28 09:14:29 localhost pppd[2413]: Exit.
Aug 28 09:14:48 localhost gconfd (root-2392): GConf server is not in use, shutting down.
Aug 28 09:14:48 localhost gconfd (root-2392): Exiting

These outputs may help you...
[root@localhost ignacius]# ping -c 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2013ms

[root@localhost ignacius]# /sbin/ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:2370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1676770 (1.5 Mb) TX bytes:1676770 (1.5 Mb)

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:127 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:141 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:50438 (49.2 Kb) TX bytes:17466 (17.0 Kb)

I have doubts whether is this the maximum net speed possible in fedora?It is still somewhat slightly slower when compared to XP...
If any of you have detailed idea,Please give me what are the configuration files used by kppp.
What are the changes I have to make based on the above given details[The details given are for GNOME menu-->Network device control].

Any body using redhat 9 or fedora core1 and dax 56k external modem--->
please send your /etc/wvdial.conf file and /etc/modprobe.conf and other configuration files and kppp values in a detailed manner.It will be of great help to me.

Old 08-30-2004, 11:52 PM   #8
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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silly thing, but you haven't got a wvdial.conf in your home dir, or a hidden one, or a hidden sub dir ?? (though i am just guessing at this stage)
Old 08-31-2004, 01:23 PM   #9
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 9

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Dont think you are the best person in linux.....
You must have seen the whole thread.
I have attached that I am having wvdial.conf in /etc an all logs.
My doubt is in the line

Aug 28 09:10:41 localhost pppd[2413]: Received bad configure-nak/rej: 12 06 00 00 00 01

Dont think you are over smart in linux.
First read fully
and if interested help others...

Dont send silly messages like the last one.Sorry for scolding...

With this i am closing this thread.

thank you ,

for your superb idea(be cool guy)

Old 04-01-2005, 11:50 PM   #10
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Florida
Distribution: Slackware 15
Posts: 129

Rep: Reputation: 24
ignacius_n, why do you feel you have to be so rude? I have a very similar problem, and have been searching these forums for a solution, but after your last post it is doubtful anyone else will try to solve the problem.


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