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Old 09-15-2005, 11:13 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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FC4 - Determining the problem - httpd stops responding

Hello all,

I am attempting to narrow down a particular problem. If anyone can lend any advice on where to futher diagnose, or possibly solve, I would be *greatly* appreciative.

Layout: small home network, FC4, linksys internet router.

General description of problem: httpd stops responding to outside requests, but not internal subnet addresses.

1) httpd set up to respond on an irregular port.

2) FC4 machine responds to several external httpd requests, but then quits responding after just a few. Continues to respond to internal local requests from XP machine.

3) ssh remains active and responsive to internal network requests (from XP machine), thus not a FC4 network problem.

4) SNMP trap on an XP client continues to show the irregular port request come through the network and to the FC4 machine. Therefore, not a router problem. Other router services, on irregular ports as well, continue to function and are trapped.

5) "/sbin/service httpd restart" ineffective

6) "/sbin/service iptables stop" ineffective

7) "/var/log/httpd/access_log" shows no activity after httpd fails (after successful attempts).

8) "/sbin/service httpd status" shows that it's up and running, after failure.

9) "yum update" didn't do squat to solve this particular problem, either.

10) only workable solution is to reboot.

This is absolutely bewildering to me since:

a) requests are serviced, but then stop responding externally
b) local requests from XP machine continue to active per normal

Is there anywhere else I should be looking? Some other log perhaps?

And to nip some questions in the bud... when I test externally, I use two separate machines, on two separate networks, by two separate entities (one a work machine at my employer, the second is a *nix box 400 miles away at my old university).

Thanks for any and all consideration.

Last edited by OmahaVike; 09-15-2005 at 11:48 AM.
Old 09-15-2005, 01:39 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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cancel request.

i totally stripped out selinux and the firewall (using GUI rather than shell), rebooted and all seems to be functioning normal.
Old 09-15-2005, 01:47 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Central Coast, California
Posts: 179

Rep: Reputation: 30
That is a wierd problem.

Did you compile it with non-standard options?
What does the error_log say?
Perhaps you can try tcpdump to watch the traffic between hosts.
Instead of ./apachectl restart, to a 'stop' then make sure there are no processes
running as httpd, then 'start'.

Perhaps you should start at the beginning....

-Flush your iptables
-move the httpd port back to 80,993


Those are the only things I can suggest, HTH.
Old 09-15-2005, 01:48 PM   #4
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Central Coast, California
Posts: 179

Rep: Reputation: 30
That SELinux work all TOO well...
Old 09-15-2005, 03:18 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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yes, a little too well. grrrrr...... funny thing is, it worked for a little bit, and then it would die. so perhaps selinux takes a little time to "wake up" which makes absolutely NO sense. seems that there's quite a bit of distaste for selinux around here. to give it a fair shake, it does have its benefits. but for something as simple as httpd through irregular ports? sheez.

and it was a straight ISO install, no compiles at all. i bounced between setting the irregular port through the .conf file, and then through the router.

thanks for the help, tho.

Last edited by OmahaVike; 09-15-2005 at 03:20 PM.


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