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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 03-20-2001, 08:47 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Manchester UK
Distribution: Mainly Fedora
Posts: 496

Rep: Reputation: 30


Managed to get FA311 working using the link, being a beginner, I downloaded the precompiled version, and stuck it in my /modules/net. Having been stuckinwinland for some time, I struggled to locate the module for a while, until it occurred to me to use the keyboard and just type it if it didn't appear in the list!

Card seemed to work, but couldn't ping. Eventually booted from the Win98 disc (D in BIOS, C in windows, and not threatening the master drive so far!), found that when I'd been tinkering and moving PCI cards, system convinced itself there were two NIC's. Usual removal procedures, then reconfigured with static IP's under Win, booted Red Hat, and it works. I'm sure I could have sorted it under Linux with more experience, but desperate times call for desperate measures!!!

Have amazingly got Samba running, and can see my Red Hat system from the windows machine (not figured out the other direction yet), but it asks for a password. I somehow never had a windows network password for this machine, does Samba require this (obviously nonexistent), or a separate password? I assume the details are in the smb.passwd file... Where is it???

Slight prob with modem (diamond supra 56 internal), never even occurred to me it was actually a bad modem. I saw a comment on ?Red Hat support pages saying that Linmodem drivers unstable under 7.0. Any ideas?? Should I just buy an ISA/external modem.



Old 03-21-2001, 12:30 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Santa Maria CA USA
Distribution: RedHat 6.0 & RedHat 7.0
Posts: 36

Rep: Reputation: 15
FA310: just FYI, the tulip.o module works as as FA310 driver.

Mounting Windows Shares On Linux: I've not actually done this, but the smbmount command exists for this purpose.

SMB Passwords: Samba uses a seperate user list. The command to add users to this list is smbuseradd (in my RedHat 6.0 installation it's in the /usr/bin directory). Once you've added the samba user, you need to set a password for it with smbpasswd (once again in /usr/bin on my RH 6.0).


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