1. At the command line, type "lsmod" (no quotes) to list the loaded modules. If the tulip driver is loading (which it probably isn't) you should see it in the list.
2.Turn off Plug-N-Play support in your BIOS, it can interfere with the initialization of some cards in Linux.
3. Type "cat /proc/pci" and see if your NIC has an
entry there. If so, note the IRQ and I/O address.
4. Type "cat /proc/interrupts" to see if your card's IRQ is conflicting with other cards. If so, try rearranging the order of the cards in your PCI slots.
5. You said you installed tulip.c into the net directory. Tulip.c is the source code, which must be compiled to create the driver/module tulip.o. Did you compile tulip.c, or just place it in the directory? Your distro should already support the tulip module (most do), so installing a new module probably isn't necessary anyway.
It might also be as simple as your card not getting an IP from the RT-314. I would suggest that for a small network like yours you set static IPs for each machine, as opposed to using DHCP. DHCP just adds another (unnecessary, in your case) layer of complexity and possible problems.
As far as your hosts file and DNS entries go:
a basic /etc/hosts would look something like:
Code: localhost.localdomain localhost mars.your_domain mars
The DNS entries (in /etc/resolv.conf) would be those provided by your ISP, and your gateway address would be that of the RT-314.