I dont know if this falls under bridging i am still trying to get what a bridge is but i beleave this is correct. I have 3 eth connections lets say eth0 eth1 and eth2. I am trying to make a t1 failover (i have the fail over part but not the forword part) so i have it ping something every sec and if it is not there it swiches over. so my config looks like this.
| |
internet (T1)(eth0)------|computer |------ internet (dsl) (eth1)
| |
to router (eth2) (to my buisness network)
I am now just trying it in my home network with a router and then a switch near the computer. So right now it is like.
| |
internet (dsl)(eth0)-----|computer |------ internet (dsl) (eth1)
(129.168.0.*) | | (192.168.0.*)
to router (eth2)(to my buisness network)
(anything i have not picked anything)
I tryed to get the eth0 or eth1 to send all the packets to eth2 but i faled. (off topic just rembered the 192.168.0.* the star is one of thoues that can be anything i dont know if i need to have it pre set or what). so if some one could help me get it to work or how i bridge? i need this asap if it is possable.