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-   -   DWL-650+ problems... (

akaBeaVis 10-03-2003 01:15 PM

I don't think insmod does much besides inserting (thus the "ins") a module into the running kernel and resolving (or attempting to) the symbols.

Once you've copied the acx100_pci.o file to a directory under /lib/modules/`uname -r`/, a depmod -a, should get it listed in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.pcimap, and when the card is either inserted, or detected at boot (after pcmcia has loaded), the hotplug system should check that file and match the module to the device. If you change the module, it's location, or remove it, run depmod -a again (unless you've just booted, since it normally gets run at boot).

I should point out that the line number I listed earlier for where to change wlandev->mode to default to managed mode should be used for the 0.2.0pre2 source code only.

highartboi 10-03-2003 04:38 PM

I see. Once I have put the module in the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ directory and do a depmod -a, do i still need to run the start_net script, that comes with the driver, every time I reboot the system? Does the start_net script still get used? Do I still need to set the right values in the start_net script? Thanks

akaBeaVis 10-03-2003 05:05 PM

Go one way or the other, not both. In other words, if you go with the modifications to your system files outlined in my howto, then don't use start_net at all (I don't). On the other hand, if you're going to use start_net, don't make any of those modifications to your system files, just modify start_net as described in that file and use it alone.

highartboi 10-04-2003 06:12 PM

Hi Beavis, I followed the your HOW-TO page step by step, I downloaded the driver and compiled it myself. I also copied over the firmware from my windows machine. I modified the /etc/modules.conf and copied all the files needed to the /lib/modules... directories. After I did a depmod -a and inserted my pcmcia card, no module was loaded. here is the output of
[root@chris 2.4.20-20.9]# tail -n 20 /var/log/messages

Oct 4 15:55:36 chris insmod: /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9/kernel/drivers/net/acx100_pci.o.gz: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9/kernel/drivers/net/acx100_pci.o.gz failed
Oct 4 15:55:36 chris insmod: /lib/modules/2.4.20-20.9/kernel/drivers/net/acx100_pci.o.gz: insmod acx100_pci failed
Oct 4 15:55:36 chris /etc/hotplug/pci.agent: ... can't load module acx100_pci
Oct 4 15:55:36 chris /etc/hotplug/pci.agent: missing kernel or user mode driver acx100_pci
Oct 4 15:55:37 chris devlabel: devlabel service started/restarted

I'm not sure what's wrong here. Thanks

akaBeaVis 10-04-2003 11:03 PM

Looks like the hotplug system (pci.agent) really *wants* to load the module, but can't, in the log, just a few lines before the 1st one you posted from /var/log/messages it might say why the insmod failed, for one thing, it seems to be looking for acx100_pci.o.gz, not acx100_pci.o, is the module gzip'ed? can you post an ls -l of the directory where the module is located under /lib/modules/.

highartboi 10-06-2003 08:14 PM

Hi Beavis, thank you so much for your help! Guess what? I'm posting this very message with my D-Link PCMCIA card!!! I restarted all over again and followed exactly the same steps listed on, which is the same steps I've gone through for the past dozen tries. The only difference in this try is I unplug the wired ethernet -- eth0. So the only connection is the pcmcia card, and it's working now. Can't believe I had to go througth so much trouble to get it to work. Oh well thank you very much for you help!!!

akaBeaVis 10-06-2003 08:36 PM

Yes!!, this is excellent! Good job!

highartboi 10-09-2003 09:25 PM

hi Beavis, I still got one question tho. Even though my D-Link card is working, the signal level is only 35/100, and it drops connection frequently. So I have to constantly reload the module to reconnect. Any idea why it's doing that? Why is the signal level so low?
Thanks a bunch

akaBeaVis 10-09-2003 09:32 PM

Even with the latest version of the driver, v0.2.0pre3, you need to make sure the mtu setting in ifconfig is 576, to get around possible buffer overruns. You can also try iwconfig txpower xx, (try 40) and see if it responds. Finally, you can try setting the rate back to 11M or 5.5M.

My signal is always 90+, even out in the parking lot, so I'm not sure what's going on there, how far is the access point from you, and what obstructions exist?

bige 10-21-2003 12:47 AM

omfg ... SUCCESS
hey akabeavis, sorry, I'm finally getting back to you after your digression w/ highartboi. Here is my status: I totally got pissed at all that debian shit, and was reading slashdot one day to find out that slack9.1 is out. Installed it and ventured once again w/ the wireless fiasco. After following your guide (you are the man) I compiled the source for the driver, installed it and configured the card. There were a few hitches, but I got it. I am posting this message right now *WIRELESSLY* thanx to you (you are the man)!! anyways... Just thought you would like to know that you are benefiting the human race in one way or the other. I took your advice and didn't give up, I just assumed alternate means of satisfaction! Thanks again and you rule... Maybe now, w/ all my tinkering I can someday help someone like you helped me! YOU are the MAN (take that TI)

ohya... and Slackware 9.1 is nice too, I am enjoying the 2.4.22 kernel for the time being. The OS is nice and fresh, give it a try if you have the time and/or motivation

akaBeaVis 10-21-2003 06:12 PM

Exhilarating, isn't it? :D

Just think, all this fun from just getting a piece of unsupported hardware to work with LInux that anyone running windows would have had working in like 5 minutes and 2 reboots, this is why I love Linux, windows is just no challenge ;).

But seriously, I'm truly glad to hear you kept at it and got it working, and I really appreciate you posting back to let us know. You using pre4? What firmware did you end up with? Oh, and if you're using pre4, are you having any problems with using "channel X" in your iwconfig calls? How about suspend/resume, any problems with that and this module?

I downloaded the (now there are 2...) Slack91 iso's a while back, but need to make room somewhere on some machine to check it out, thanks for the info it does sound good, funny though, I really have no complaints with slack90 it's rather snappy, and it all fit on one cd. Then there's Mandrake 9.2, which apparently is going to require me to get involved in BitTorrent. No iso's otherwise, even for us "club-members" although I guess they'll show up somewhere eventually. Did you use the BitTorrent thing for Slack9.1? if so, how was it?

Henry 10-24-2003 10:52 PM

slackware9.1 work?
wait, so the DWL-650+ works in slackware9.1 using acx100 driver? cause im having the same problem with 9.0

ganeshr 10-25-2003 12:52 AM

Ad-Hoc Only - No Managed
Hi Beavis,

I am trying to set up the ACX100 Driver for Red Hat Linux 9.0 using your HOWTO and ran into the same problem that highartboi ran into. i.e. even if I set mode to Managed, it stays in Ad-Hoc mode. Unfortunately, highartboi got it working by unplugging the wired ethernet. In my case, eth0 is not active. I tried your suggestion of modifying acx100_helper.c wlandev->mode = 0x2. But that hasn't helped. EXPERIMENTAL_VER_0_3 is still set to 0. I noticed that when I down the interface (ifconfig wlan0 down) mode changes to Managed but as soon as I bring it up mode changes back to Ad-Hoc. So when I try to set the route, I get Network is unreachable. /var/log/messages show mainly TIMEOUT messages.

Details: using pre2 version: DI520+ with DI614+ (Access Point).

Do you have any suggestions? Please help.

Thanks In Advance.

akaBeaVis 10-25-2003 10:29 AM

You're saying you modified that source file, did a make clean, then make all, then copied the new module to your /lib/modules/.../kernel/... directory, ran depmod -a, cardctl eject, rmmod acx100_pci, cardctl insert and it *still* defaults to ad-hoc? I'm guessing somehow the original unmodified module is still getting loaded instead of the modified version. The hotplug system does not seem to unload modules on a device eject yet, so it would still be there unless you rmmod it yourself, and if the old is still inserted the new won't be.

If all of the above was done and still you're stuck in ad-hoc, I would suggest trying the firmware from the install cd, there are 3 possible files that normally come w/that card, AIRPLUS.BIN, APLUSMX.BIN and APLUSGEN.BIN, start with the aplusgen.bin file, then if that doesn't work try the airplus.bin and lastly try the aplusmx.bin. Copy it to the run-time firmware directory named in your /etc/modules.conf options line, rename it to WLANGEN.BIN and eject the card, rmmod acx100_pci, then insert the card. The log shows what firmware version it's using, see if it's any different, I have a fair amount of email from people saying the firmware from the howto works with their dwl-650+ and dwl-520+ cards so this may not be the problem.

You can also try changing the order of things, although this seems to be something that afflicts the pci cards and not the cardbus models. What I mean is try doing all iwconfig stuff with the card not having an ip address, and vice-versa.

bige 10-25-2003 01:50 PM

success in 9.1
hey henry, I got the card working in slack9.1 but lately, when I have tried setting the channel, my kernel panics, I have no clue why and was wondering what would cause it because it has been working fine for a while now. But ya, it works, sometimes. I think this has been a known problem, what do you think akabeavis?

akaBeaVis 10-25-2003 04:42 PM

A few people on the sourceforge forum for this project have reported the channel thing for the the dwl-650+ and the pre3 and later versions of the module. I would either stop setting the channel (which is ok, because you should still be able to connect based on essid alone) or drop back to pre2. I've also seen the "stuck in ad-hoc mode" problem over there a few times, still no real answer has been forthcoming. I have personally modified the source as I outlined above and tested it, (I was able to reproduce that problem by setting the experimental flag) and the card comes up in managed mode by default that way and operates properly

ps: is this an smp thing? can you check your /boot/config file for "CONFIG_SMP" and see if it's set? the readme says smp is still problematic.

Henry 10-25-2003 09:38 PM

oh ok, thanks, im reinstalling it to 9.1 now...after trying to get the iso image of 9.1, found like 4 sites and 3 of them have corrupted iso images....wasted 4 CD-R before im smart enough to use, i'll see if i can get it working, thanks for telling me ^_^

Henry 10-26-2003 12:48 AM

Hi, I'm im slackware 9.1 now, im getting this error when i tried to ping my router:
root@labtop:/etc/rc.d# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

and my eth1 looks like:
eth1 v0.2.0pre4 ESSID:"linksys"
Mode:Managed Channel:3 Access Point: 00:06:25:9A:B8:FA
Bit Rate=22Mb/s Tx-Power:18 dBm
Encryption key:off
Link Quality:100/100 Signal level:42/100 Noise level:0/100
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

i think its my essid, i don't know what i should put in there, so i just put linksys cuz i have linksys router, can someone help me?

Henry 10-26-2003 01:01 AM

wait, nvm i just put it to any, now i can access my router,but somehow it says unkown host when i tried to ping or, guess its stuck in lan...
when i change my nameserver to my gateway address, it says network is unreachable
do anyone know who to get out of there?

akaBeaVis 10-26-2003 01:02 AM

edit: responding to post that happend whilst I was typing:

henry, add this line to the top of /etc/resolv.conf:

Henry 10-26-2003 01:27 AM

but it still says:

root@labtop:~# ping
connect: Network is unreachable

akaBeaVis 10-26-2003 01:29 AM

what does route say?

you can also get this error if encryption is set on the router but not on your card

you can also get this error if MAC filtering is set on the router and your card is not on the list, does it work in windows?

ganeshr 10-26-2003 01:37 AM

Hi Beavis,

To clarify a few points:

I am facing the problem with PCI card DWL-520+ (even though I used this DWL-650+ thread bcos the symptoms faced are very similar to what "highartboi" faced). So hotplug is not in the picture. I used both depmod / modprobe (your method) as well as insmod (start_net script) with the same results.

I copied the firmware from the install CD to begin with and DID NOT use the firmware from your download section.

Per your sugestion, I tried changing the order. As long as I don't assign the IP address, the mode stays as Managed. As soon as I assign the IP address, it changes to Ad-Hoc mode automatically. The log also shows "invalid regulatory domain" error. Do these suggest anything?

Henry 10-26-2003 01:38 AM

hmm, it says:
localnet * U 0 0 0 eth1
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo

I don't have my MAC filtering on, and it is a DWL-650+ wireless card, router = linksys
and i don't have a labtop with windows on it, but last time i checked with SMC wireless card when this labtop have windows, it works.

akaBeaVis 10-26-2003 01:58 AM

henry, I need to see all these things:
ifconfig -a
cat /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 (if you've made any changes to it
cat /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice (if this file exists)
or first you can try this: route add eth1, then route add default gw eth1

can I see iwconfig, ifconfig and either the line you use to manually load the module or the relevant lines from /etc/modules.conf, and the contents of the firmware_dir= directory you're passing to insmod?

Henry 10-26-2003 01:14 AM

oh wow, the route commands works! weird, i dunno y doing only route add default gw doesn't work, well, it works now, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, this is my first wireless card that i got it working under linux, haha, im happy! thank you thank you thank you

akaBeaVis 10-26-2003 01:17 AM

Excellent! good job! :D
If I were you I'd find out where that weird network mask came from (, because I'm thinking as soon as you shutdown/reboot, you're going to see it again.

ps: or was that a typo and it's really

Henry 10-26-2003 03:13 AM

oh yea, hehe that was a typo :-P, it switched back automatically for some reason, and yea, reboot will be back to the same place again, so i added . /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 in rc.local so it'll fix it every time i boot up ^_^, thank you so much, now i don't need the ethernet cable anymore ^_^

ganeshr 10-27-2003 12:08 AM

Hi Beavis,

Here is all the info you requested:

[root@localhost local]# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.

wlan0 v0.2.0pre2 ESSID:"default"
Mode:Ad-Hoc Channel:6 Cell: 43:83:CB:1B:ED:AA
Bit Rate=22Mb/s Tx-Power:18 dBm
Encryption key:off
Link Quality:78/100 Signal level:30/100 Noise level:22/100
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

[root@localhost local]# ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:218513 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:218513 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:14921630 (14.2 Mb) TX bytes:14921630 (14.2 Mb)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:C8:18:EE:A9
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800

[root@localhost local]# ls -l /lib/modules/acx100_fmwe
total 44
-rw------- 1 root root 920 Jan 5 2003 RADIO0d.BIN
-rw------- 1 root root 964 Jan 5 2003 RADIO11.BIN
-rw------- 1 root root 33708 Jan 5 2003 WLANGEN.BIN
[root@localhost local]# cat /etc/modules.conf
# alias eth0 8139too
alias usb-controller usb-uhci
alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio
post-install sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
pre-remove sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
alias wlan0 acx100_pci
options acx100_pci use_eth_name=0 debug=0xb firmware_dir=/lib/modules/acx100_fmwe
[root@localhost local]# tail -50 /var/log/messages
Oct 27 00:46:43 localhost kernel: Warning: WEP support might not be supported in Ad-Hoc mode yet!
Oct 27 00:46:44 localhost kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: wlan0: transmit timed out
Oct 27 00:47:16 localhost last message repeated 8 times
Oct 27 00:47:28 localhost last message repeated 3 times
Oct 27 00:47:31 localhost kernel: Warning: WEP support might not be supported in Ad-Hoc mode yet!
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: firmware version >= 1.9.3.e --> using software timer
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: <AcxSetStatus> iStatus = 0 (STARTED)
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: Set transmit power = 1
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: Setting antenna value: 0x8F
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: Setting ED threshold value: 0x70
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: Setting CCA value: 0x0D
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: Setting regulatory domain to 0x3
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: invalid regulatory domain specified!
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: Changing to channel 6
Oct 27 00:48:36 localhost kernel: <AcxSetStatus> iStatus = 1 (SCANNING)
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: Radio scan found 3 stations in this area.
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: <Scan Table> 0: SSID="mystar",CH=3,SIR=38,SNR=0
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: peer_cap 0x401, needed_cap 0x01
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: WARNING: peer station 0 is using channel 3, which is outside the channel range of the regulatory domain the driver is currently configured for: couldn't join in case of matching settings, might want to adapt your config!
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: <Scan Table> 1: SSID="default",CH=6,SIR=76,SNR=25
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: peer_cap 0x41, needed_cap 0x01
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: WARNING: peer station 1 is using channel 6, which is outside the channel range of the regulatory domain the driver is currently configured for: couldn't join in case of matching settings, might want to adapt your config!
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: <Scan Table> 2: SSID="linksys",CH=6,SIR=35,SNR=67
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: peer_cap 0x421, needed_cap 0x01
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: WARNING: peer station 2 is using channel 6, which is outside the channel range of the regulatory domain the driver is currently configured for: couldn't join in case of matching settings, might want to adapt your config!
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: d11CompleteScan: no matching station found in
range and not in Ad-Hoc mode --> giving up scanning.
Oct 27 00:48:37 localhost kernel: <AcxSetStatus> iStatus = 0 (STARTED)
Oct 27 00:48:38 localhost kernel: <acx_timer> iStatus = 0
Oct 27 00:48:40 localhost kernel: Warning: WEP support might not be supported in Ad-Hoc mode yet!
Oct 27 00:48:44 localhost kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: wlan0: transmit timed out
Oct 27 00:48:48 localhost kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: wlan0: transmit timed out
Oct 27 00:48:48 localhost kernel: <AcxSetStatus> iStatus = 1 (SCANNING)
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: Radio scan found 3 stations in this area.
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: <Scan Table> 0: SSID="mystar",CH=3,SIR=38,SNR=0
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: peer_cap 0x401, needed_cap 0x01
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: WARNING: peer station 0 is using channel 3, which is outside the channel range of the regulatory domain the driver is currently configured for: couldn't join in case of matching settings, might want to adapt your config!
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: <Scan Table> 1: SSID="default",CH=6,SIR=76,SNR=25
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: peer_cap 0x41, needed_cap 0x01
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: WARNING: peer station 1 is using channel 6, which is outside the channel range of the regulatory domain the driver is currently configured for: couldn't join in case of matching settings, might want to adapt your config!
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: <Scan Table> 2: SSID="linksys",CH=6,SIR=35,SNR=67
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: peer_cap 0x421, needed_cap 0x01
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: WARNING: peer station 2 is using channel 6, which is outside the channel range of the regulatory domain the driver is currently configured for: couldn't join in case of matching settings, might want to adapt your config!
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: d11CompleteScan: no matching station found in
range and not in Ad-Hoc mode --> giving up scanning.
Oct 27 00:48:49 localhost kernel: <AcxSetStatus> iStatus = 0 (STARTED)
Oct 27 00:48:50 localhost kernel: Warning: WEP support might not be supported in Ad-Hoc mode yet!
Oct 27 00:48:50 localhost kernel: <acx_timer> iStatus = 0
Oct 27 00:48:52 localhost kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: wlan0: transmit timed out
Oct 27 00:49:24 localhost last message repeated 8 times
Oct 27 00:50:28 localhost last message repeated 16 times
Oct 27 00:51:32 localhost last message repeated 16 times

Command used for inserting module:

depmod -a
modprobe acx100_pci

akaBeaVis 10-27-2003 12:17 AM

can you set the access point to channel 1, the whole recently implemented regulatory domain thing is still a bit alpha yet and it seeks to dictate valid channels based on locale, channel 1 is certainly valid in all locales.

ganeshr 10-27-2003 11:30 PM

Hi Beavis,

With the additional info you provided about validating channels based on locale, I did a little research into the source code and compared code between pre2 and pre3. In pre3, with the invalid reg. domain, it fell back to FCC (USA) default, while in pre2 it just returns with the error message. So I tried version pre3 and guess what? It works like a charm. I am in fact writing this using the wireless driver. You might want to add this to your HOWTO troubleshooting section for people getting stuck in Ad-Hoc mode. Thanks for all your help!

akaBeaVis 10-28-2003 05:25 PM

Excellent! I *knew* you would get it going eventually (and to think you probably almost threw it out the window ;) )...thanks for the info, it would seem that it's time to put some kind of troubleshooting section in there as you say.

Of course, there's been trouble both ways lately, with some having trouble with pre3 and later and some having trouble with anything earlier than pre3. I've even seen people having to drop all the way back to 0.1h. Makes it hard to recommend versions, so I'm currently recommending people to start with the latest version and fall back if there are problems.

I understand why pre2 didn't work for you, but how about pre4? It would certainly have all of pre3's code with some additions, weird ain't it?

ShiShi92 03-31-2004 11:29 AM

Hello all
I have problem to install my DWL-650+ on my debian i use Gateway DSL DI-624+ with on my laptop DWL-650+ but problem to install acx100_pci.o it compil well on 2.4.25 but failed in insmod with this error :
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol hwReadRegister16
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_check_eeprom_name
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_ioctl
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol dmaDeleteDC
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol ctlInterrogate
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol hwEnableISR
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol dmaRxXfrISR
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_init_mac
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_reset_dev
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol dma_tx_data
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_start
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol hwWriteRegister16
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol dmaTxDataISR
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_timer
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol hwDisableISR
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol ctlIssueCommand
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_rxdesc_to_ether
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol acx100_ether_to_txdesc
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol get_tx_desc
src/acx100.o: src/acx100.o: unresolved symbol d11CompleteScan
thx for help ....

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