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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 01-10-2003, 08:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 7

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Drake 9, Win XP and a crossover cable


If this has been posted before, please point me there so I don't bother people with this.

Any way, I am running drake 9.0 on my desktop, and winXP home on my laptop. Is there a way I can "network" them using a crossover cable? In Windoze it is trivial, but I am having difficulty setting everthing up. My laptop already has some network info for the network at work and would be hesitant to change it just so my linux box can see it. The networking How-to did not help so much. Of course, I could have read right over the necessary information and not even known it

thanks a lot

Old 01-10-2003, 09:51 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Tasmania,Australia
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 21

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I assume you have the hardware side of things correct therefore you have a link light on on the network cards and are not using a serial cable

You will need to enable Samba by going to the Mandrake control panel and clicking servers-Samba
If you do not have the option of servers then you need to install this config.
So... Go to software install in the mandrake control panel and search for "wiz" or "drax" and install the only option returned called wizdraxconf i think once installed close the control panel and reopen it and there should be the option Servers at the bottom go here and configure samba to use the workgroup MSHOME provided you have the default for File sharing.
Also you may enable connection sharing from the mandrake control panel provided this machine connects to the internet (be silly not too) and set the XPhome machine to obtain IP Address Automatically.(I think this works with crossover)
There are better ways to do this configuration but this way is the easy way if you like to use the desktop veiws.
After you have enabled Samba you will probley just have security problems which will prevent you from having write or even read access which is annother conf small story again.

Post back as to you findings

Last edited by coldascold; 01-10-2003 at 09:53 AM.


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