downloading directly to server
I have a small LAN of 4 computers (2 winXP and 2 win98) connected to a router
I want to add a P1 200mhz with a linux distro for sharing files and a printer
the thing is that I want to download the files from the internet directly to the linux box instead of the files passing through my pc first (as far as I know this is how it works, please correct me if I'm wrong) so that the files keep downloading even if I turn off my computer
So the question is how can I do this? I planned to use remote access but I don't know any program that works with linux and windows for this purpose
Is there another way of doing this (so I can download directly from the web browser without having to access remotely the server)?
also, what linux distro is recommended for this? (small if possible as space is an issue right now and with GUI if I'm stuck with remote access)
My knowledge of linux is very limited (almost next to none) so any step-by-step help will be very appreciated