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Old 12-24-2005, 06:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
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Dot Qmail won't forward downloaded mail

Hi All

Hope everybody will have a great Christmas and New Year

My problem that i have is that the email that i download from my ISP is not being distributed locally. All internal mail works perfectly as well as sending mail out, so the dot qmail file work for that but not external mail.

My virtual domains files looks something like this

the I have dot qmail files in the fred home folder
.qmail-bobs looks like this


where bob is the local user on the machine
i also have one for bobw etc.

If i send an internal mail to bobs@virtual.notexist the mail gets sent to bobs@virtual.notexist so internal mail is fine.

But when I download the mail from my ISP which only has one account but different addresses aliases, it all gets delivered to fredb@virtual.notexist and not distributed to the actual address.

So what i am trying to do is treat the downloaded mail as local once it has been downloaded.

fred is the accout where fetchmail, so i get why fred gets the mail but why wont it distribute?

fetchmail command

fetchmail pop3.myisp.noexist -k -n -u ispuser@myisp.notexist

once i get this to work i will put it in a fetchmailrc file




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