Never said wating time for you mate. I am very sure many people on this forum do not think posting is wasting time. For example, I will install the system later and have a look at it. It introduces me to a new system which is good.
I have never been a distro hopper. I have changed distros quite often when I just started out but then realized the only ones consistent enough for me were debian suse before it became opensuse and redhat which back then was free. I started with suse but did notlike when they forked to open suse. Then switched and ran debian for years now stuck with rhel based again. So those are my distros of choice. Debian is the best all rounder, opensuse for eye candy and easy management and now rhel because I just really like the way kvm integrates with it and they in my eyes at least put lots of effort into their documentation and config file comments. So in a way, I would almost call ittheeasiest system to do basic configs from command line.
But if people think you waste their time, they won't post. So tonight I should get ovirt running which will ease my admin tasks a lot and tomorrow spin up ems and see if I can recreate your problem. Hopefully we can get a quick how-to outof it.