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Old 04-15-2014, 02:25 AM   #1
Registered: May 2002
Location: Sydney Australia
Distribution: Redhat 6.1 & 7.2
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DNS What am i not understanding?


I am running DNS on a Linux system more for testing at this stage than anything else. I have a registered domain so my DNS server is I am running BIND 9.2. I have also recently registered with easydns for secondary/redundant dns.

My question is should i have had the need to do that (the need for secondary DNS) to have my domain seen. My registrar is Domain Mongers & in their name server section while i was able to enter easydns name server info for 3 servers i was not able to enter my own even though mine is primary. How is my domain meant to be found if i cannot enter FQDN & IP?

Shouldn't i have been able to enter relevant details on their setup page negating the need for secondary services?

I hope this makes sense

Kind regards

Old 04-15-2014, 03:54 AM   #2
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Depending on your domain registration company you may need to "register" your name servers so that they can create what is termed a "glue" record.

The "glue" record is used to prevent the situation where something is trying to look up to find where your name servers are but can't look up anything in because it doesn't know where the server is.

Further information on glue records here:
Old 04-15-2014, 05:48 AM   #3
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Thanks for your reply

So if i understand your reply you if you don't have secondary servers you cannot run a domain via a primary server alone. How can a registrar dictate this choice?
Old 04-15-2014, 05:58 AM   #4
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It's nothing to do with the registrar "dictating" anything, it's to do with the fundementals of DNS.

Check with your registrar as to how to register your name servers IP addresses and then you'll be able to use them as the primary ns for your domain.

Note that you really will need a static IP for your NS and not an ISP DHCP address.
Old 04-15-2014, 08:10 AM   #5
Registered: May 2002
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I have a static IP


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