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Old 08-19-2001, 11:32 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question DNS resolv

problems, I noticed that few threads with such queries are answered but here we go - I have setup a linux box rh7.0 and have setup the DNS portion with all aliases, ftp, www, etc.
I am running a webserver on the same box (Apache). I can access the html test page via, yet when I try the - I get "This page cannot by displayed"
I have set my Apache httpd.conf servername as

can anyone please enlighten this Mexicon.


btw - new to linux - yet, looks very promising.
Old 08-19-2001, 04:14 PM   #2
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Do you have an A record for in your zone file? Did you use the $ORIGIN shortcut or did you use the whole name ? Did you forget the trailing dot?

When you start or restart named what do you see in the log files? If you see somthing like then you've missed the last 'dot' in your A record.

You can also try 'dig' (man dig for more options)
dig any
dig any
Old 08-19-2001, 04:38 PM   #3
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I do have an A record for

I was missing some dots in my zone files, earlier. (before the posting of my thread)

I did have the $ORIGIN at the top of the zone file along with a $TTL 86400 in the first line. (do I need to have these?)

I downloaded a trial version of a DNS analyzer software which returns a:

Authorative Answer:NO

when I run a check for the SOA Record, yikes!!!

and a "lame delegation" once I run a Zone Analyzer.

Help, I believe I am drowning in ignorance.......

Once again, confused Mexicon
Old 08-19-2001, 08:05 PM   #4
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Is the A record correct? (does it point to the right IP addr?)

Are there any other name servers on your network?

The zone file (for each one listed /etc/named.conf) should start out with something like
@ IN SOA <serial and ttl info...>
for the for the mydomain zone file. Note that the first line MUST start at the first position on the first line. $ORIGIN or @ will do the same thing.

have a look in the logs. To see the last 100 log entries you can use
tail -100 /var/log/messages
and look for anything suspect.
Old 08-19-2001, 11:18 PM   #5
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I have the ip addr correct;

the first line in the zone file is

@ IN SOA (

but, after running the code you asked me to for the last 100 lines of log everything looks okay, except for this line

No Default TTL set using SOA minimum instead

I know I am close but, just not there.

btw - thanks for you help.
Old 08-20-2001, 02:49 AM   #6
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No Default TTL set using SOA minimum instead
Aw that's no real problem. It's just telling you that the time-to-live values were not implicitly declared in your zone files. I forget what the defualt is, but if that's your only problem then your named appears to funtioning properly. You should still verify that your logs generate output something like this
 <date> <time> <hostname> named <pid>:starting.  named 8.2.3-T5B Wed Sep 20 18:10:28 GMT 2000
<date> <time> <hostname> named <pid>: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 2001060101)
<date> <time> <hostname> named <pid>:master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
So if I get this straight, your named.conf is config'd proper, your zone files all contain the proper name to IP mappings. Are your reverse lookups (IP -> name lookups)

Now for the clients. How do they know where the name server is? DHCP? Manual setup? Are they using the name server you have just setup or a different name server?

After cheking that, you need to go through your /etc/httpd/httpd.conf file and see that all is happy there.

Last edited by mcleodnine; 08-20-2001 at 03:07 AM.
Old 08-20-2001, 11:08 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
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The log file returned the information that you described, except for the on comment, which I mentioned before.

I believe my named.conf file is correct. I have zones for

zone "."
zone "localhost"
zone ""
zone "0.0.127" reverse localhost
zone "10.168.192" reverse

I will check my httpd.conf file - the correct setting for my server is, right?



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