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Old 07-30-2001, 02:36 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: London England
Distribution: Suse 7.1
Posts: 45

Rep: Reputation: 15
DNS Probs I think?

I have a home lan which consists of a Win98 machine and a Suse Linux box.

The win98 machine is connected to the Internet via a dial up(modem). My Suse box has also got a modem which can connect to the internet.

I can send local/remote mail from my linux box when i dial up to the internet.

However i cannot send remote email thorough my win98 machine which is connected to the internet.

I have configured my win98 machine to act as my default gateway but still no luck.

Can somebody please tell me how i would go about making this work?

Old 07-30-2001, 02:50 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Earth
Posts: 164

Rep: Reputation: 30
Well, first of all, and this is just my opinion, you have it backwards. You should make your SuSE machine the gateway, linux is designed for stuff like that, and win98 has some extras in 98SE that allow you to do it, but it wasn't really designed for it.

Try setting up a network from one to the other, and set up a firewall on SuSE, it comes with 2 of them anyway..

Anyway, double check your mail settings in 98. If you're online, there really shouldn't be a problem, and if there is, I doubt it has anything to do with your Linux machine.

If I missunderstood your post, put up some more info....

Good luck
Old 07-30-2001, 02:59 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: London England
Distribution: Suse 7.1
Posts: 45

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Okay, I use exim as my MTA and i can only send mail remotely if i have a dial up connection established with my isp.

What i want to do is send remote mail via the win98 machine that is connected to the internet.

i have a private i.p. address( on the linux machine and want to send email via the win98 machine( which is connected to the internet via AOL.

do i need to do IP Masquerade or something?

Old 07-31-2001, 10:28 AM   #4
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Earth
Posts: 164

Rep: Reputation: 30
Well, I think the only way you are going to be able to use IP masquerading is if you set up Linux to be the connection to the internet. If your win98 isn't Second edition, then it doesn't support Internet Connection Sharing, and well, good luck, unless you buy some sort of software that will do it, and I'm not sure if thats out there.... Your SOL.

If you can, I STRONGLY urge you to get rid of AOL, you cannot connect to AOL via linux, you need a special adapter in Windows for it, and the protocols that Aol uses can't be found in linux.

Once you do that, then do what I suggested earlier, connect linux to the internet, and run your win98 machine through it.


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