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Old 02-20-2002, 08:40 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Kiruna, Sweden
Distribution: Redhat 7.2
Posts: 6

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unhappy dhcpd server leases wont work :(

My dhcpd.conf file

subnet netmask {
default-lease-time 86000;
max-lease-time 86000;
option routers;
# option ip-forwarding off;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers,,;
option domain-name "";
the DNS is also what I will get from my ISPs dhcp-server

My rc.local file
--<blah blah stuff before this>----
echo "startar DHCP servern"
dhcpd eth1
/sbin/route add -host netmask dev eth1
/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd start
--<kick up my firewall...which allows ALL lan out>--

Here is my problem now.
I can see with "ps ax" that dhcpd eth1 is up but it juuuust cant seem to lend out IPs
I have a dhcpd.leases in /etc

On my linux server I use eth0 with dhcp to my ISP, working fine. And ofcourse then I use eth1 to my Lan. eth1 got a static Damned dhcpd... I want my other machines to be able to lend Ip's. Just for fun...if nothing else.

My default gw on my linux is my ISPs gw-addie. Have swedish bredbandsbolaget.

Internet -- (eth0/dhcp)rh7.2(eth1/ and so on
dhcp server on my eth1 ofcourse

I am so tired of this. Have got it to work twice before but since my reinstallment it just wont work.
Cant even get to see nothing in my logfile that anything try to lend an ip...sooo tired and frustrated. But I wont give up, refuse.

I know I must have missed any vital information to help you out lads but...I cant think of anything right now. Just give me a smack on the head if you lack any vital info!!!

Last edited by hath; 02-20-2002 at 08:48 AM.
Old 02-20-2002, 03:02 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 5,700

Rep: Reputation: 72
Brilliant post. Great description of the problem.

In your /etc/rc.d/rc.local, you actually start the dhcpd server twice.

dhcpd eth1


/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd start

do the same thing... actually, depending on how your .conf file works, the second line may try to start a broadcast on eth0 also.

This is probably best to just start from the bottom. First comment everything out of rc.local, or just copy the file elsewhere. Then reboot the machine and try everything one bit at a time, paying attention to the output of each call.

dhcpcd eth0 (to get the IP from the ISP)
ifconfig eth1 up (as defined in the router section)
dhcpd eth1
<---- Firewall stuff goes here ----->

That should work... is there something weird I don't know about as to why you're manually adding the route?


Old 02-21-2002, 02:51 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Kiruna, Sweden
Distribution: Redhat 7.2
Posts: 6

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uhmm, got no explanation.

Since I am pretty new to Linux I just read howto's and faq about dhcpd. So without any further real understanding I just followed their steps, so to say.

So since my eth0 use dhcp to get ip from my ISP I will do a "dhcpd eth1" to make sure the dhcpd-server is for eth1 (lan), right?
Got more problems to, which makes me think I should reinstall. execvp (sshd) wont start in bootup (but that I can start in rc.local) plus that even if I use static IPs on my Lan-comps they just wont come out to the internet. Their gw is set to the servers eth1 - IP (lan), their DNS should point to my ISPs dns, right?
Anyway - using Linux and NOT knowing stuff is hell.
But worse than this, that Sweden lost against Belarus!!!!!
Old 02-21-2002, 06:17 AM   #4
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Orlando
Distribution: Whatever I feel like at the time I install.
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I know how it feels to be a "newbie" to this stuff. I just started. Here is what I did to make mine work. I am using DHCPD server vs 2.0 I felt that 3.0 just had more stuff than I needed.

First question is after reinstall did you remember to reinstall the dhcp server?


subnet netmask {
option routers; <-- this should be your ip of eth1
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name-servers, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy;
option domain-name "";
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

I chose to put my startup at the bottom of the start section in my firewall script. I did this so that I would be sure that my NICs were loaded. I call my firewall script from the end of the start section in /etc/init.d/network (Redhat 7.x). I did this so that I made sure that everything was loaded for my network.

The way I start mine is by just calling:
dhcpd ethx
where ethx is your int NIC card.

As for setting up the sshd part I am assuming you are running the text based install. At the command line type "setup" and go under "System Services" and enable SSHD there.

As for getting to the Internet that can be a little more tricky but try this.
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
that will allow everything coming from the int lan to go out. You may need more than that as well though
here is the firewall script that I borrowed:
Look at raz's example

If you need any further help drop me a line or something.
I started with redhat 7.1 and then upgraded the kernel and upgraded iptables to 1.2.4 b/c of some security issues I heard about with some of the older vs.
Old 02-21-2002, 06:21 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 5,700

Rep: Reputation: 72
Originally posted by hath
uhmm, got no explanation.

Since I am pretty new to Linux I just read howto's and faq about dhcpd. So without any further real understanding I just followed their steps, so to say.

So since my eth0 use dhcp to get ip from my ISP I will do a "dhcpd eth1" to make sure the dhcpd-server is for eth1 (lan), right?
Right. dhcpd is the server (listens on port 54(?) to hand out IP addresses) dhcpcd is the client (that request's them from whichever dhcp server, either the ISP or the one you are running).

Originally posted by hath

Got more problems to, which makes me think I should reinstall. execvp (sshd) wont start in bootup
very weird. Bbenz3's information will probably knock that out. I don't fiddle with RedHat that much anymore.

Originally posted by hath
(but that I can start in rc.local) plus that even if I use static IPs on my Lan-comps they just wont come out to the internet. Their gw is set to the servers eth1 - IP (lan), their DNS should point to my ISPs dns, right?
Correct, both times... What is your firewall rules-set? You may want to put in the "forward everything" line that Bbenz3 posted just to see if the problem is with the firewall, or has something to do with the lan. If they have IPs on your subnet:, and if they have the IPs of name-servers and the IP of your machine as the gateway:, then its somewhere in the cabling.

In your first post, unless you did it somewhere other than rc.local, there is no IP address assigned to eth1. In order for dhcpd to start correctly, eth1 will have to be on the same subnet as is listed in the dhcpd.conf file. To do this:

ifconfig eth1 up

Originally posted by hath
Anyway - using Linux and NOT knowing stuff is hell. But worse than this, that Sweden lost against Belarus!!!!!
Yeah, but its soooo much fun because unlike other *cough* *cough* operating systems, you can actually FIX it!




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