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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 04-25-2001, 10:18 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2001
Posts: 15

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I'm trying to install dhcp server on my lrp box, but I wont work.
the package is correctly installed, but when I reboot, I look in /var/log/syslog, and the package tells me that the dhcpd.leases file isn't there. I create a dummy file for the dhcp server to use it, but even after a backup of all my packages, It's not there when I reboot. If I try to set it up manually, I seems to be ok. But the dhcp server doesn't shows up in the ps ax list or in the netstat -a --inet response.

Please give me some clues.

P.S. when I load my packages, I load dhclient, psentry,sshd then dhcpd... maybe it come from there!



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