DHCP Won't Work
Hey, I have cable internet, recently installed Mandrivia Linux Limited Edition 2005, and I CANNOT get the internet to work at all! It's REALLY pisssing me off.
Basically it's cable internet, it runs fine on windows (DHCP) we are also using a wireless router, and there is no way we can get it to work.
It says - "Network is down on interface eth0 Click On Configure Network"
WHICH WE DO, WE ENTER ALL THE STUFF, set it up to use DHCP yet still, when we click on "Connect Ethernet" we get this error -
Connection Error - Please Verify Your Settings In The Control Panel
If I can't get any help for this, well then it looks like this is the end of linux for us.
Any suggestions..? Reinstall..?? Omg.. you'd think it'd automatically detect it like everything else.. why is this so fricking hard?! Help! THanx in advance!h