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Old 08-31-2005, 09:41 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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DHCP Script

I run Suse 9.2. I have a DSL connection and I'm using DHCP to get my IP address for the internet from my router. This process is suppose to happen at boot but I can't figure out why it isn't. In any case I can run dhcpcd and get the internet working. I'm really new at Linux so I need to know how to do a few things. The first is to make dhcpcd usable by all users on the system, presently only root has access. I also need to wright a script that will run dhcp and get the internet working, case being that other users on the system don't know how and need something they can just click. If anyone can help on either subject it would be a great help. Knowing what the problem is at boot would be really good too. dhcp works sometimes at boot but at other times it fails. There is also a problem every time dhcp is run that seems to be concerned with ipv4 or something of that nature but it doesn't seem to hurt the internet connection or impair my firewall in any way. Thank you for your time!
Old 08-31-2005, 10:04 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Is your DSL router properly connected when dhcpcd is being run? In order for all users to run dhcpcd, you'll have to make it setuid, but this could pose a security risk (though unlikely). You could create a desktop icon that runs "dhcpcd eth0" or as needed for your system.
Old 08-31-2005, 10:44 PM   #3
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This is the problem here, why the hell would you make a desktop icon for it? This isn't windows. If you want an icon, install XP.

try adding dhcpcd eth0 to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local or one of the other files which runs programs on boot (not sure what suse uses) but that would make it start at boot.

If you want it to start at boot, then you add it to init scripts, not to your freakin desktop. You shouldnt have a desktop anyways, but to each his own.
Old 08-31-2005, 11:57 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by Darvocet
You shouldnt have a desktop anyways, but to each his own.
I am curious why you say this. I consider myself an experienced linux user of 7 years, and do prefer the command line myself. Are you arguing against GUIs or just Desktops?
Old 09-01-2005, 12:07 AM   #5
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Originally posted by Matir
I am curious why you say this. I consider myself an experienced linux user of 7 years, and do prefer the command line myself. Are you arguing against GUIs or just Desktops?
Yes allow me to clarify, I am against GUI for linux. I realize that they now have some functionality, but I feel that if a user can't do it in command line they have no business in linux in the first place.
Old 09-01-2005, 10:30 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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Well, I do not want to get into a debate here and drag this thread down, but I'll just say everyone has their own opinion.
Old 09-05-2005, 02:30 AM   #7
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Originally posted by Darvocet
This is the problem here, why the hell would you make a desktop icon for it? This isn't windows. If you want an icon, install XP.

try adding dhcpcd eth0 to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local or one of the other files which runs programs on boot (not sure what suse uses) but that would make it start at boot.

If you want it to start at boot, then you add it to init scripts, not to your freakin desktop. You shouldnt have a desktop anyways, but to each his own.
Could you please tone this down a bit? You're not REALLY
helping him here, and for opinions there's General, or threads
that were started for that purpose. He did express that it is
being run, but that it sometimes fails to get a lease.



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