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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:04 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Distribution: redhat 9
Posts: 4

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dhcp ipmasq routing problem?


I'm current running redhat 9 as a gateway, 1 NIC using DHCP to gain adsl IP information, and the other NIC is static with IP (the modem uses

I'm running simple IPMASQ forwarding for now (having only recently set the box up). The problem i am having is that other PC's on the lan can recieve the shared internet connection, but with all usages (web, irc, ftp..) there is a brief intermittent loss of connection which can happen once every 1-8minutes, causing web/ftp downloads to stop and irc to die.

At first i thought this might be a problem with my adsl mode/dhcp but the redhat box doesnt experience this. I left ping running on the redhat box (pinging an IP on the internet), and then i started to download via ftp on one of the boxes on the LAN, when the connection died I noticed that the ping on the redhat box briefly said "net unreachable", which indicates the problem is pretty much related.

Has anyone had a similar problem before? Any help would be be gratefully received.



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