DHCP client problems - network config
Ok, newbie here. Trying to get net access for my Linux machine. I think my problem is in selecting hte correct kernal module for my NIC card. It is a Linksys NC100.
Redhat 7.0 w/linksys 4 port router. My router is set to DHCP to issue out IP addresses internally. Ive read some of the other threads but im still stuck.
Ive tried linuxconf, netconf, and manually editing my ifcfg-eth0 file and setting the line BOOTPROTO=dhcp
Also, the dhcpcd command does not respond and pump command fails ("operation fails"). Also, when when i run /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
i get a message saying sothing similar to "FAILED" initiializing eth0. So I rebooted and watched the messages, eth0 fails to initialize. However, I CAN ping localhost successfully. What gives ?
Does this mean my NIC card is not being recognized ? If so, what steps do i take now ?
Last edited by RedHat123; 12-14-2001 at 06:41 PM.