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Old 12-05-2001, 01:57 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2001
Posts: 1

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Lightbulb Denial of Traffic

This is a real Linux Newbie question, so please bare with me.

I work in the IT department of a local Civil Engineering firm. We are a Microsoft shop after migrating away from Novell. A mistake in my opinion, but that's another conversation altogether.

I have a Linux server at home and I have RedHat on a laptop which I think is pretty cool in itself.

OK, here it is: We had two users double-click on the gone.scr file in their in-boxes yesterday and I spent much of my day cleaning up the network and their workstations. Norton AntiVirus didn't have the signatures updated in time. Not an uncommon occurrence unfortunately. We use a Cisco PIX firewall.

I was wondering (and here's where my lack of knowledge shows), is there a way to deny entry if a packet contains certain attributes? In other words, if a person outside our network sends an e-mail to an internal user with gone.scr attached, can a Linux firewall be configured to reject it altogether?

Just curious...
Old 12-05-2001, 04:04 PM   #2
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Iptables has some (rudimentary?) form of filtering, but Im not familiar with that, maybe someone else can come up with the gory details :-]
Snort, an IDS package ,allows you to filter for strings like this CodeRed entry shows:
alert TCP $EXTERNAL any -> $INTERNAL 80 (msg: "CodeRed/Index Server - Generic"; content:".ida?";)
but this ain't what you're looking for.
The keyword is email since that is the only infection vector (transport layer) I know of; you'll need to look into mail filtering.

If you're mailhost is running a Linux MTA like sendmail you could either add rules to the /etc/ (or use libmilter, inflex, possibly ripmime or any other filters). An example of what sendmail can filter is here (Melissa). Possibly, and/or already have prefab rules out for filtering.

If OTOH its running the very leet Microsuck Xchange S3rv3r, there's another good reason to convert to Linux :-]

Last edited by unSpawn; 12-05-2001 at 04:07 PM.


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