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edmundojr 11-27-2012 05:48 AM

Creating a bridge interface eth0 to wlan0
My goal is to create a bridge interface eth0 to wlan0, this setting is being made, or trying to, in a thin client, the interface is a wireless adapter tp-link USB-Wireless. In the notebook did and everything worked, but when I go to the thin client goes wrong. In the figure below, I tried to create a bridge with only the wlan0 interface and gave the error saying that the operation is not supported, a solution that much research on the Internet sites outside Brazil was the command iw dev wlan0 4addr on establishing an interface virtual, but also does not work and a list of help, as it is in the second image. Following the steps from the mistakes of the thin clien:

root@maquina01-hp-t5740:/home/maquina01# brctl addbr br0
root@maquina01-hp-t5740:/home/maquina01# brctl addif br0 wlan0
can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: operation not supported

root@maquina01-hp-t5740:/home/maquina01# iw dev wlan0 inteface add wlan1 type monitor 4addr on

Usage: iw [options] command
--debug enable netlink debugging
--version show version (0.9.19)
event [-t] [-f]
phy <phyname> info
dev <devname> interface add <name> type <type> [mesh_id <meshid>] [4addr on|off] [flags <flag>*]
phy <phyname> interface add <name> type <type> [mesh_id <meshid>] [4addr on|off] [flags <flag>*]
dev <devname> del
dev <devname> info
dev <devname> ibss join <SSID> <freq in MHz> [fixed-freq] [<fixed bssid>] [key d:0:abcde]
dev <devname> ibss leave
dev <devname> station dump
dev <devname> station set <MAC address> vlan <ifindex>
dev <devname> station set <MAC address> plink_action <open|block>
dev <devname> station del <MAC address>
dev <devname> station get <MAC address>
dev <devname> survey dump
dev <devname> mpath dump
dev <devname> mpath set <destination MAC address> next_hop <next hop MAC address>
dev <devname> mpath new <destination MAC address> next_hop <next hop MAC address>
dev <devname> mpath del <MAC address>
dev <devname> mpath get <MAC address>
dev <devname> scan [-u] [freq <freq>*] [ssid <ssid>*|passive]
dev <devname> scan trigger [freq <freq>*] [ssid <ssid>*|passive]
dev <devname> scan dump [-u]
reg get
reg set <ISO/IEC 3166-1 alpha2>
dev <devname> disconnect
dev <devname> connect [-w] <SSID> [<freq in MHz>] [<bssid>] [key 0:abcde d:1:6162636465]
dev <devname> link
dev <devname> get mesh_param <param>
phy <phyname> set netns <pid>
phy <phyname> set rts <rts threshold|off>
phy <phyname> set frag <fragmentation threshold|off>
dev <devname> set channel <channel> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
phy <phyname> set channel <channel> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
dev <devname> set freq <freq> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
phy <phyname> set freq <freq> [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
phy <phyname> set name <new name>
dev <devname> set type <type>
dev <devname> set meshid <meshid>
dev <devname> set monitor <flag>*
dev <devname> set mesh_param <param> <value>

You can omit the 'phy' or 'dev' if the identification is unique,
e.g. "iw wlan0 info" or "iw phy0 info". (Don't when scripting.)

Do NOT screenscrape this tool, we don't consider its output stable."

Thanks for the help

mpapet 11-29-2012 05:37 PM

You can't do it. bridge-utils does not work like this. bridge-utils works on wired ethernet ports. Consider forwarding all traffic across the interfaces via the kernel. That's not without peril!

agentsteel 11-30-2012 12:40 PM

A short tutorial

mpapet 11-30-2012 06:09 PM

There's a reason bridge utils is failing, it's not supported. How the wireless NIC works, or doesn't in this case, is getting in the way. Can the wireless NIC run in master mode?

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