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Old 03-23-2003, 05:21 AM   #1
Grim Reaper
Registered: Apr 2002
Distribution: Gentoo 2006.0 AMD64
Posts: 399

Rep: Reputation: 30
Could you look over my firewall script please...

This is my firewall script so far:

# This is the external interface
EXT_IP=`/sbin/ifconfig $EXT_IF | grep inet | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\  -f1`

# This is the internal interface

# Set default policy
$iptables -P INPUT DROP
$iptables -P FORWARD DROP
$iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

# Flush Input Tables.
$iptables -F INPUT

# We should never see these private addresses coming in from outside
# to our external interface. (IP Spoofing)
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s      -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s   -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s  -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s     -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s  -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s     -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s     -j DROP
# Bogus routing
$iptables -A INPUT -s -d 0/0 -j DROP

#Allow Established or related connections through, drop the rest.
$iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW, INVALID -i ppp0 -j DROP
$iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN, ACK, FIN, SYN -j DROP

$iptables --table mangle --append OUTPUT --proto tcp --jump TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay

#  LOG and DENY everything else
$iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -j LOG --log-prefix "netfilter: "

#Setup Masquerading
$iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
That's it so far...I've written this in Windows with notepad...well, mostly taken pieces from other scripts (geez it'd be good if i could write something like that on my own )

The problem is...I've tried transferring this to my linux box and running it, but i don't think notepad saves it in absolute plain text or just gives me errors, but when i view it in vim it doesn't have any extra characters....
(i remember a while ago when i wrote something in notepad and transferred it across, i viewed it in VI and it had some extra characters at the end of each line...but i can't find them this time, maybe it has something to do with vim?)

All idea's or suggestions are welcome
Old 03-23-2003, 05:52 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2003
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You can use fromdos.
fromdos < mydostxtfile.txt > unixtextfile.txt
in your case:
fromdos < rc.firewall > rc.firewall
fromdos is included in most unix distros, else search for unix2dos

Old 03-23-2003, 06:31 AM   #3
Grim Reaper
Registered: Apr 2002
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The netserver is a Debian distro...

It doesn't have either of those that you suggested and i tried apt-get install for them both but it couldn't find em...
Old 03-23-2003, 08:39 PM   #4
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Open the script in vi, type (all w/o quotes) ":%s/<ctrl-v><enter>//g" to replace. Now type ":wq" or ":zz" to save.
Old 03-24-2003, 06:23 AM   #5
Grim Reaper
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Ok I'll give that a shot unSpawn...

Btw, how does the script look to you? Anything you'd like to add?
Old 03-24-2003, 08:14 AM   #6
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I'd add this to the DROP target
# Baaaahhhd flags
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,RST,ACK,FIN,URG -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN SYN,FIN -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP
# Muchos fragmentos
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -f -j DROP
# Note if you're running this as a shellscript, there's a function

# "synchain" for later when you want to run services. To activate it

# just add a line (where appropriate) with the word "synchain" on it.
synchain() { # SYN stuff, have separate chaintarget
iptables -N SYN
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --syn -j SYN
iptables -A SYN -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 4 -j RETURN
iptables -A SYN -j DROP ; }
# Open up necessary ICMP stuph
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type TOS-host-unreachable -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type network-unknown -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT
# but also do some limiting
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1
just to be sure.

I don't have to remind you I'm no Iptables guru.
Old 03-25-2003, 11:20 AM   #7
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Nice rules Unspawn, but shouldn't they be directed at ppp0, the external interface, instead of eth0, the internal? Just curious..
Old 03-25-2003, 07:18 PM   #8
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Yeah, you're absolutely right Pcghost.
Old 03-26-2003, 04:33 AM   #9
Grim Reaper
Registered: Apr 2002
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lol, i can't understand one bit of that script of yours unSpawn...hehe

I've decided to change my network topology a little, and have a firewall as OpenBSD...I'll start a new thread for this one as i have a few other different questions to ask


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