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Old 11-21-2013, 02:51 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2013
Location: USA - upper-left-hand corner
Distribution: centos, mint
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copy files between 2 linux computers

Environment: a Windows workgroup that includes a CentOS server, as well as several windows workstations, and laptops of various flavors. The CentOS server has plenty of disk space to do what I need to do, but none of the windows computers have enough space.

Problem: One of the windows PCs has a disk that is partitioned into a system/programs bootable partition and an extended partition that is for data only. Something went south on the bootable partition. I've tried reinstalling the OS, reformatting, fixing MBR, etc - to no avail. However, the data partition lives! I can access the partition and its files (explained below)

This machine has to return to being a working Windows computer: installing linux is not an option - it uses software for which there is no linux equivalent, and that software won't run in wine (according to

Actions so far: boot up using a live cd (in this case mint, but I can use whatever will work). With mint running live, I can access that PC's data partition and all of its files. I went through the entropy pile and found a working router - that I'm using as a switch. I'm now running both linuxes through that "switch" and they are isolated from the windows network. Those 2 machines both picked up IPs from DHCP on the "switch." (same subnet). They can ping each other.

But - I tried using ftp from the mint machine's terminal, but when I type "open" (the IP of the CentOS box), it says "no route to host." On the CentOS server there is no ftp-like daemon running, and I can't figure out how to start it. Google searches on that topic haven't found an answer that works.

Another limitation: the workstation in question is an HP laptop whose hard drive uses a proprietary interface. While I have many adapters to connect between various interfaces, I don't have one that fits this squirrely HP drive. If it used a stock SATA or IDE this problem wouldn't exist; I'd hook up the drive directly to the CentOS and go read a book while the data transfer.

Goal:Move data from the data partition on the bad disk to any of the large partitions on the CentOS server.

The question: Given all of the above, how can I move that data from the mint live machine to the CentOS server? Remember:because mint is not installed - it's running live - I can't install software on it. By the way, while Mint is a very nice distro, I'll use any distro that will run live and solve the dilemma.

Once we can establish a way to do the file transfer, there will be a follow-up question, but let's not muddy the waters with that one.
Old 11-21-2013, 04:10 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2013
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You can use rsync for this. Not sure about the mint live cd as I have never used it. However, you can take a look at SystemRescueCd

Then, assuming you have ssh going on your centos server you would run the following :

rsync -avh --progress -e 'ssh' /mounted/data/dir/on/winders/drive some_user@yourcentos_server:/back-up/dir/location
Defined : method ( ssh ) source ( mounted winders stuffs ) destination / target ( your centos box ).

I would imagine that rsync is on the mint live cd. Since I could not find a list, just try it. If its not on it then try the above linked image.

EDIT : use -e 'ssh -p SOME_PORT' if you run ssh on something other than port 22

Last edited by munkz; 11-21-2013 at 04:12 AM. Reason: forgot the port switch thing
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Old 11-21-2013, 02:43 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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rsynch? rsynch? That's much too easy and obvious

I'll have that follow up question in a few hours. Solving that riddle will make the whole thing work.

Thanks 7 million (that's a million if a dog is counting)

Last edited by sandybeach2000; 11-21-2013 at 02:48 PM.
Old 11-21-2013, 02:48 PM   #4
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It only obvious once you stump your toe on it.
Old 11-21-2013, 02:56 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by sandybeach2000 View Post
...The question: Given all of the above, how can I move that data from the mint live machine to the CentOS server? Remember:because mint is not installed - it's running live - I can't install software on it. By the way, while Mint is a very nice distro, I'll use any distro that will run live and solve the dilemma.
i use scp to copy stuff throughout a network (things like sshfs makes things easier).

i always install stuff on my fedora live usb's (same process as the hard drive install but they usually fill up quicker).
Old 11-25-2013, 02:50 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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It worked as advertised. Thank you.


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