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Old 02-17-2004, 03:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: US/OH
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Question Connecting to windows shares

I'm in the process of building and configuring my first serious Linux system, and I just wanted to make sure I haven't neglected to consider any details...

Currently, I have a win2k3 server configured to handle nearly everything: file & print server, HTTP (apache 2) & FTP (serv-u), SQL (MySQL), and email server (w2k3 shipped-with add-ons). "Network security" is provided by a separate system running Coyote Linux.
I wanted to set up a test mailing list, but since all the options I've considered (MailGust, Majordomo) run best in a unix environment, I've installed Fedora Core 1 on an older system (Pentium 200) I had sitting around.

Since said system has only a minimum of drive space, I had planned on mounting shares on the windows box. I've already done a quick search of this site and read the following threads:
QUESTION: Would following similar procedures on my system allow the shares to be mounted during the system's initialization/boot sequence?
I'd like them to be available immediately without the need of a user login.

This share was planned to be write space for the Fedora Apache installation, with other mounts as necessary....until I read the following thread:
QUESTION: Is writing to NTFS (even via a share) still an issue in Fedora Core 1?
If it is, would installing unix services for windows be a solution?

I've also read up on configuring virtual hosts and proxies within Apache--I'm not poking any more holes in the firewall, and this test server will be, in effect, an intranet server. If I can overcome the issues & questions I've listed above, I plan to configure a virtual host in the w2k3 Apache config to act as a front-end and proxy connections to the test box...

Any/all assistance rendered is *always* appreciated!


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