This is a commonly asked question around here and the answer is best put this way (I've found);
The best way above and beyond to connect to a share is to make a folder and use it as a mountpoint for the remote share. There are programs and such, sure, but they are all different to each other and can all get pretty confusing and not everyone can help you because they may not have seen it before. To create the folder is pretty simple, fire up a terminal session and just mkdir foldername. I usually use "remote" as the folder name.
Then the remaining things you need are a username and password on either a domain or the computer you are connecting to, and the name of the share and computer you are connecting to. For example;
For a computer called "Maibochs" running a share called "disshare" you need a username and password for the Maibochs computer, let's say for argument's sake it's Administrator and 'password' (ignoring the obvious bad form, it keeps it simple).
type the following in to the box you are connecting
mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=password //Maibochs/disshare remote
Note that this assumes you aren't using a windows domain, if you are, consider the example of a domain called 'global'
mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=password,workgroup=global //Maibochs/disshare remote
That commandline calls a domain a workgroup which can be confusing, but that's the syntax.
Give it a bash and let me know if anything needs clarifying.