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Old 12-18-2005, 04:23 PM   #16
LQ Newbie
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That is what I was forgetting, but I can't change the option.

I upload a file for you so you can see (maybe the defailt Windows 2000 drivers are the problem...)

ps. since I am Dutch and I have installed a Dutch version of Windows 2000 prof., the configuration utility's is also Dutch.

I placed a red rectangle over the setting we are discussing.

Does anyone has an idea? I have the original windows 98 driver CD and disks.

The image

Last edited by rbm; 12-18-2005 at 04:24 PM.
Old 12-20-2005, 06:30 PM   #17
LQ Guru
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If I remember correctly, most HP printers use, or can use the hpijs driver. However, the version that comes with the most current "hplips" may work better for you. One problem that can occur ( It did for me ) is that the old version may still exist at the old location. Also, installing hplips may require installing a lot of dependencies depending on your system. Installing it may however provide a newer PPD file for your printer. Since you are getting an out of paper error, it seems to me that the network communications with the printer is working, but the capabilities of the printer may be wrong.
Old 12-20-2005, 07:59 PM   #18
Registered: Oct 2005
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When troubleshooting, simplify whatever you can.
This may or may not help, but I would change the sharename of the printer to something very simple and with NO SPACES, like "hp".
So the new path would be:

Maybe when you use the old path:
smb:// DeskJet 710C
it is truncating the path after HP, since there is a space after it.

Pretty sure you can't have a space in a URL like that. That would be like telling someone to visit: mail

I realize the restrictions on the hostnames and domain names imposed by DNS may not apply to the path followint it, but why risk spending so much effort on something that may be fixed by simplifying the share name.

Hope that helps
Old 12-21-2005, 02:35 PM   #19
LQ Newbie
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Originally Posted by jschiwal
If I remember correctly, most HP printers use, or can use the hpijs driver. However, the version that comes with the most current "hplips" may work better for you. One problem that can occur ( It did for me ) is that the old version may still exist at the old location. Also, installing hplips may require installing a lot of dependencies depending on your system. Installing it may however provide a newer PPD file for your printer. Since you are getting an out of paper error, it seems to me that the network communications with the printer is working, but the capabilities of the printer may be wrong.
How can I get this version and where do I have to install it?

ps. The option of WindowBreaker is not working and get us back at the starting point.
Old 12-21-2005, 02:51 PM   #20
LQ Newbie
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Sorry for the double post

I have tried the next:

Using ipp:// as protocol (and selected it on the second screen) I entered:

Now I get the next error:
Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
"Network host '' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds..."
Device URI:

ps. the printer was not busy with an other (Windows) job
Old 12-21-2005, 03:28 PM   #21
LQ Newbie
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Local connection does not work

Since I was telling in the first post, I use Fedora on my laptop. That laptop has an LPT port (the port used for printers).

Now I tried to install it and print something, but it does not come out of my printer. I see it through the queue, but the printer is not starting printing.

Is there anyone who knows what the problem might be?
Old 12-30-2005, 01:02 AM   #22
LQ Guru
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How can I get this version and where do I have to install it?
Hplips is a sourceforge project.
If I remember correctly, you will download a tarball and do the configure/make/make install installation procedure.
Be sure, of course, to read the installation documentation, in the hplips directory after expanding the tarball.
Old 12-30-2005, 11:30 AM   #23
LQ Newbie
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As far I read in the documentation, it supports many printer types, but not the HP 710C (color inktjet printer).
Thank you for your try, but it can not help me.


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