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Old 07-12-2013, 04:57 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2013
Location: Mumbai
Distribution: Ubuntu13.10
Posts: 291

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connect internet using Nokia N73 in ubuntu12.10

I had been using internet on my Windows 7 on my laptop by connecting it with my Nokia N-73 via cable. When I connect the cell phone to laptop, in my cell phone 4 options come to ask me how to connect: 1)Mass storage 2) PC Suite 3)Media player 4)PictBridge . Now, to connect internet, I have to select option number 2. i.e. PC Suite. After that in laptop I need to click the option for connection. That's all. Earlier I had installed PC Suite software ( of Nokia ) in my laptop in Windows 7.

Now please assist me how to connect internet on my ubuntu12.10 installation on my laptop. do I need to download a software and install on my ubuntu? I have no idea. Please assist me.
Old 07-12-2013, 05:07 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2012
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Not to be the dummy between the two of us, but I would like to clarify the problem... you are trying to connect a Nokia phone through Ubuntu12 and out to the internet, correct? I would assume Ubuntu12 is already able to connect to the internet?

Last edited by RootMason; 07-12-2013 at 05:09 AM.
Old 07-12-2013, 05:40 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2013
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RootMason I never tried connecting inernet on ubuntu12.10 via nokia N73 but want to use net on ubuntu. Please clarify what you told. Do you mean I may not even need any s/w to install on ubuntu (unlike what I did for windows by installing software suite)? so, shall I try directly connecting internet. W'll it work?
Thanks for a quick reply.
Old 07-12-2013, 05:54 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2012
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Ok, so if you haven't already connected Ubuntu to the internet, here is the howto on making that happen:

To connect to the internet, do the following:

If you have a Modem or ADSL connection, read the section called "Modems" first.


Select the Connections tab. Select the Ethernet connection interface from the list, then click the Properties button. Ensure that the button marked Enable this connection is checked. From the Configuration drop-list select DHCP/Static IP address, then click OK.

Select the DNS tab add or delete DNS Servers in the DNS Servers list.

To activate or deactivate network connections, do the following:


Select Network settings+Connections Tab+Ethernet connection Activate/Deactivate
**************************************************************************************************** *

Ok... if this is helpful and you can get connected to the internet, step1 is complete! Let me know if it's successful and we'll get into connecting your Nokia N73 to Ubuntu and out to the internet! To connect the Nokia to Ubuntu you will need a software suite. I'm just not 100% sure we're on the same page w/ what you're trying to accomplish.

Sorry, I'm totally a 2am Linux nerd, but it's almost 3am and I'm not really a 3am Linux nerd. If you respond, I'll try and answer you tomorrow morning. Have a nice one!

- Steve

Last edited by RootMason; 07-12-2013 at 05:57 AM.
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Old 07-12-2013, 10:14 AM   #5
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Nokia N73 in ubuntu12.10

it's actually for 10.10, but I don't see it would be much different for 12.10
Old 07-12-2013, 01:37 PM   #6
Registered: Oct 2012
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Here is another link for connecting Nokia to Ubuntu, this one is using a PC suite called Nokuntu and was done on Ubuntu 10 & 11... hope it's current enough!
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Old 07-12-2013, 01:55 PM   #7
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RootMason's looks a better fit
Old 07-13-2013, 04:30 AM   #8
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RootMason, thanks for all your help. I successfully connected yesterday internet on my laptop via nokia n73. It's too simple. But I haven't used your way. I went to edit connections and selected "mobile broadband". And after feeding 2-3 details, I got my laptop connected with internet. I read the help menu of ubuntu OS and got the place where i have to go. Your post of yesterday befor you went to sleep directed me to enter the menu items and proceed. No need to install anything. Simply connect mobile with laptop and select the option "pc suite" on phone. Now the laptop gets connected with phone. Then go to menu of operating system and after a few clicks you are ready enter into the world of "nets".

But wanted to ask one thing. I want to install gparted which is currently not there. How to move ahead. From where to download it and how to install in ubuntu.

I am posting this from ubuntu12.10 and not windows as my ubuntu is connected to net.
Old 07-13-2013, 04:59 AM   #9
Registered: Oct 2012
Location: Tucson, AZ
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Glad to see you got it up and running, buddy! Good job on figuring out your own path! Here is how to install gparted:

//Open up a terminal and type:

sudo apt-get -y install gparted

The sudo is to run a root command, apt-get downloads/installs the package you want, -y means just say "yes" when it asks if you want to install the package, install is pretty obvious and then the package name (gparted)

You can also search for packages using:

apt-cache search {whatever you're looking for}

And you can update to the latest list of packages using

apt-get update

Have a nice day, holmes!
Old 07-13-2013, 05:10 AM   #10
Registered: Apr 2013
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RootMason , great!!
I successfully installed gparted the way you guided and then ran it. It's working fine.
Thanks a lot! So fast !!!!!
Old 07-13-2013, 05:42 AM   #11
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Also, please tell me how to check what all I have installed and how to uninstall one which I don't want.
What command needs to be given to check the version of the installed s/w. For ex. i have installed just now vim (thanks to you for the help). How to check it's version?

Last edited by ravisingh1; 07-13-2013 at 11:10 AM.
Old 07-21-2013, 03:24 AM   #12
Registered: Oct 2012
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Sorry for the long response time, buddy! If you want to check for all the packages you have installed (sorry, I don't use Ubuntu, but this should work for you) you should enter:

dpkg --get-selections | less

Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down the list and "q" to exit when you are done.

To remove packages:

apt-get -y remove {packagename}

Have Aptitude (apt-get) remove the package "packagename" from your system and answer "yes" if asked "are you sure?".

Hope it helps!
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Old 07-21-2013, 04:10 AM   #13
Registered: Apr 2013
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Thank you RootMason for your valuable help. Also one more thing: to update as you had told it's
apt-get update
. But if i have to update a selected package(s), how to do it as update command takes no arguments.
ravbholua@ravbholua-Aspire-5315:~$ sudo apt-get update gparted
[sudo] password for ravbholua:
E: The update command takes no arguments
i know to update a specific package via synaptic but i am more interested for command line. Please say how to do so.
How it differs from
apt-get upgrade
or both are same?

Last edited by ravisingh1; 07-21-2013 at 05:06 AM.
Old 07-21-2013, 05:46 AM   #14
Registered: Oct 2012
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To update a specific package it would be:

apt-get upgrade {packagename}

And to check the version should be:

dpkg --list {packagename}

The difference between update and upgrade (as far as I know) is that update only updates the list of packages available and upgrade updates an actual package.

Hope it helps!

Last edited by RootMason; 07-21-2013 at 05:48 AM.
Old 07-21-2013, 05:53 AM   #15
Registered: Apr 2013
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Great ....
Thanks a lot!


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