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DannyW 03-16-2004 11:59 PM

Can't connect to the net in Mandrake w/ VIA Rhine
Hello. I have been able to connect to the internet on my machine with RedHat and Windows XP, but not with Mandrake 9.x or 10.

I have a router and asked about that on another forum... every solution I tried didn't help. My ethernet card is a VIA VT6102 Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter. If that is most definitely my problem, what can I do to get myself connected?

neostorm 03-17-2004 04:30 AM

hey man
yo, what motherboard have u got ??... cos' i'm having the same problem too...
try "query modem" and tell me what it says

AutOPSY 03-17-2004 06:17 AM

query modem wont help with an ethernet card 'yo!''

Also, what problems are you experiencing especially?
when you open a browser no pages?
can you 'ping' any hosts on the outside/inside network?

DannyW 03-17-2004 10:58 AM

I can't ping any hosts at all besides myself.

The browsers don't work.

trey85stang 03-17-2004 11:18 AM

have you tried mandrakes netconfig??? I have succesfully used mandrake witha via-rhine.. (i think it was a little buggy if i remember right) but it detected it with netconfig. I have also found that sometimes using a static ip gets the card to working.. then switching back ti dhcp when it does work.

Fernandoch 03-30-2004 05:52 AM

I have the same problem
I cannot access the net too with my Fedora Linux distro when using DHCP with a Via-Rhine VT6102. I cannot get an IP.
Any solutions?

katal 04-01-2004 11:41 AM

Add a noapic to boot line in lilo.conf

Fernandoch 04-01-2004 01:36 PM

Already tried it!!!
I tried to install the noapic in my grub.conf but it did not work.
Could you please specify more? Give me the details ...

I am going to have to give up with Linux!!!!

Thank you!!!!

katal 04-02-2004 12:43 AM

I don't know where you put the noapic, but it goes on the kernel command line.

I have a Chaintech Apogee, and without this kernel parameter the onboard Via-Rhine does not work.

See example grub.conf for placement of the noapic kernel paramater.

title Red Hat Linux (2.4.9-21)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.9-21 ro noapic root=/dev/hda6
initrd /initrd-2.4.9-21.img

Fernandoch 04-03-2004 01:00 AM

Still not working
I added the noapic exactly as u said and it is not working.
When linux starts and it says bringing up interface eth0, it gives me a failed instead of an OK. I am desesperate!!!!

I have to give up with linux, :((

ugge 04-03-2004 02:29 AM

I don't know the details for Mandrake, but I would like to ask a few relevant questions to see if we can come a little closer.

1. Is your NIC detectect during boot? Check lsmod to see if the module is loaded. Also check the logs after boot for errors, less /var/log/messages

2. When pinging "your self", are you pinging or the IP of your NIC?

3. What does ifconfig say? Is your NIC up and does it have an IP?

4. If you can ping your NIC's IP then check the routing table to see that your deafult gateway is set correctly. route -n

Fernandoch 04-03-2004 06:02 AM

still nothing
I did the lsmod and it gave me a 1 under the used column. I cannot post it in here since I cannot get files from my linux partition into my windows partition.
The ifconfig give me an eth0 and a lo
Under the eth0 I have the following with no IP address:
Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:D0:3D:74:84
UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 .... and so one

So I guess instead for the UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST I should get an IP address, isnīt it?

What to do?

ugge 04-03-2004 06:23 AM

If ping works it shows that the TCP/IP-stack is working correctly.
The problem here seems to be to get a DHCP lease correctly. Check the log for error messages during the DHCP query process.

The problem when using a static IP is probably related to the routing table. I think that the default gateway setting is incorrect or missing. Check with routing -n.

Fernandoch 04-03-2004 03:08 PM

I did what was told
I did a ping and I got this results:

64 bytes from icmp-seq = 0 ttl 64 time = 0.010 ms
64 bytes from icmp-seq = 1 ttl 64 time = 0.013 ms
64 bytes from icmp-seq = 2 ttl 64 time = 0.010 ms

and so on ...

then I checked the /var/log/messages and I saw that for the Via-Rhine:

via-rhine.c: v1.10-LK1.1.19 July-12-2003 written by Donald Becker
PCI: Found IRQ10 for device 00:12.0
PCI: sharing IRQ10 with 00:10.0
PCI: sharing IRQ10 with 01:00.0

eth0: VIA VT6102 Rhine - II at 0xe300, 00:40:d0:3d:74:84
eth0: MII PHY found at address 1, status 0x786d advertising 05e1 Link 41e1

localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 20
NO DHCPOFFERS received 9
NO DHCPOFFERS received 12
and so on ...

then route -n gives:
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref. Use Iface U 0 0 0 lo U 0 0 0 lo

What can I do????

ugge 04-03-2004 05:08 PM

Are your router responsible for handing out your IP, or do you get it from your ISP?
There seems to be some problem between your DHCP client and the DHCP server.

If you can use a static IP address then you could set the gateway manually too.
Your current config lacks a default gateway so even if you have an IP configured for your NIC then your computer wouldn't know how to handle packet with a destination other than and your local network.

Fernandoch 04-04-2004 05:18 AM

My internet connection works perfectly with windows and I had nothing to do, just to click on get an IP automatically, and I get it from my ISP. If I give my PC a static one then it does not work.

What to do?

ugge 04-04-2004 05:23 AM

I have heard that some DHCP clients doesn't work with some DHCP servers. You may try another DHCP client.
I have no experience of this and can't help. Anyone?

Fernandoch 04-04-2004 05:26 AM

well I have the new fedora!!!
I was using Linux Mandrake and I had this problem, then I installed the new Fedora Linux and still the same problem!!!!!
What could it be the problem????

katal 04-05-2004 04:20 AM

What motherboard do you have?

Try booting with acpi=off as well as noapic.

Fernandoch 04-05-2004 05:16 AM

already tried that
I tried to put both noapic and acpi=off in the grub.conf, but it did not work too.

Here it: CPU AMD Athlon XP-M 2400+
It is a packard bell EASYNOTE E3245

What to do?

urzumph 04-05-2004 05:21 AM

Try setting up your network with a static IP in the same range as your windows partition uses.

My guess is that the dhcp server is not working, and windows is just assigning itself a static IP (which it does once it discovers there are no dhcp servers available)

brian8 04-05-2004 01:29 PM

As another newbie, can I join this thread.

I have a very similar problem. Mandrake 9.1 on a dual boot PC with W2K. Network is fine in Windoze but will not work with Mandrake - with exactly the same network settings. The network card is the same Via Rhine II (on-board). I use static addresses. I can ping localhost and the PC's own IP address, but can't see anything beyond the local PC, even using (numeric) IP addresseses instead of names. Drake config says the network is up but can't see the network.

I have been investigating for a couple of days and notice one strange thing. In Windowze the card is shown as being on PCI 0/18/0 but in Mandrake it is 0/12/0 is this significant? (I have no idea what it means or how to investigate it).

I would appreciate any help the experts can offer.


Fernandoch 04-06-2004 02:26 AM

finally solved!!!
Hello to all, and thx to all!!!!
Finally I found out that the problem was from my ISP. It has problems with Linux DHCP clients and I have been told to use pump client instead!!!!
I tried my Linux at work and it worked perfectly with DHCP.

Thanks to all of you again!!!


katal 04-06-2004 03:01 AM

Does it work without noapic, and acpi=off

Fernandoch 04-06-2004 03:30 AM

Yes it does!!!
No need to add anything, it works perfectly!!!

brian8 04-06-2004 03:23 PM

Hi Katal, thanks for responding:

"Does it work without noapic, and acpi=off"

No, with those settings it won't boot at all - gets stuck at loading USB drivers (I think.)

Have sone a complete new install - reformat and everything - with exactly the same results.


DannyW 04-06-2004 03:47 PM

Re: finally solved!!!

Originally posted by Fernandoch
Hello to all, and thx to all!!!!
Finally I found out that the problem was from my ISP. It has problems with Linux DHCP clients and I have been told to use pump client instead!!!!
I tried my Linux at work and it worked perfectly with DHCP.

Thanks to all of you again!!!


Er... 'scuse me? So this "pump client" is downloadable and then escaped the restrictions of your ISP? Does your ISP have a problem with ALL Linux DHCP clients, because only Mandrake 9x-10.0 have been an issue for me with connecting to the net, and RedHat was able to.

Fernandoch 04-07-2004 04:09 AM

not exactly
I tried that pump client at home and it did not work too. So I guess it is a problem with my ISP and the DHCP client.
But at work everything is fine with the connection!!!!
So I donīt know how I am going to fix that!!!!

jayant chauhan 04-07-2004 10:51 AM

Internet troubles
Hey Guys,
for a whole day, I too faced the horrible INTERNET connectivity problem.
Doesnt seeem to be ethernet card driven problem though.
My card though has the CHIPSET REALTEK 8029(AS). It worked fine with all linux versions till MANDRAKE 9.1 turned up. Everything seemed fine, just that it didnt connect to the internet. ALways gave the same error, check hostname stuff, and only pinged its own IP, not even the GATEWAY.
On telneting gave host unreachable message.
After trying all things, I finally decided to tweak with MANDRAKE CONTROL CENTER.
Go to the device manager and then just configure the module of ur ethernet card. Set it debug level to 1. This mainly concerns changing the permission mod. And it works just fine, posting this immediately after fixing it :cool: 'coz I know how horrible it can be to work on LINUX without net. Have rebooted by comp more than 20 times, so as to be able to browse on WINDOWS and try to solve all these wierd problems :)

Let me know if it works.

The permissions are usually changed to 755.

brian8 04-07-2004 02:10 PM

Hi Jayant,

thanks for your reply - I have tried your suggestion, but unfortunately it didn't work for me.

Have been trying to sort this for for 5 days now and getting nowhere - can anyone help please?


katal 04-09-2004 06:50 AM

Try adding

brian8 04-10-2004 11:35 AM

Originally posted by katal:
Try adding
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 [/B][/QUOTE]

I tried that, to no avial. Thaks for the suggestion though.

I have now also tried three different drivers from the VIA site - all with the same effect.

Any more ideas?


A.J.Gibson 04-12-2004 07:51 AM

Got your email, brian8. I upgraded (re-installed) to Mandrake 9.2 and the problem vanished - 9.2 fixes a lot of the bugs in DrakConnect.

brian8 04-13-2004 02:21 PM

Thanks "A.J.Gibson" - looks like I will have to try that - I have tried everything else!


$teve 04-17-2004 01:41 AM

I had problems with my onboard VIA Rhine II. I couldnt connect to the internet through my router. So I disabled the Rhine in the bios and threw in a 3Com Works Fine Now

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