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Old 08-18-2013, 04:26 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2011
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Cant access few sites like google. bing through squid proxy


From last week i am facing soem issue with my squid proxy (3.1.8). Some of hte sites like google, bing , yahoo not working or slow. The logs says only avahi deamon invalid query packets. I have updated avahi but still facing issue

Old 08-19-2013, 12:09 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by bichu23 View Post

From last week i am facing soem issue with my squid proxy (3.1.8). Some of hte sites like google, bing , yahoo not working or slow. The logs says only avahi deamon invalid query packets. I have updated avahi but still facing issue

The sites you mention as slow are all search engines. Is it that simple (search is always slow/not working, other things ok), or is it something else (what?)?

You have updated avahi, but where? That is, there are two ends, and which end did you update (and on what platform and what versions, while we are there), and what is happening at the other end (platform, version, etc)? Have you looked at the actual packets, to seee what seems to be going on?

Describe the network; where are you running squid, what is the interface to the 'net, where is the browsing (or other net access) coming from. how are these things connected (wired, wireless, speeds, etc). What is your connection to the net (eg ADSL, or whatever).

From wherever squid is running (not at random other places in the network) do you have resolves (tested by dig) running at reasonable speed? Where is that box going to get its lookups? Are these cached?

Is the box running squid overloaded? What have you done to check (and what results did you get)?
Old 08-20-2013, 04:18 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2011
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All of a sudden squid failed to process and performing not well. When i checked the /log/mesages, notice that avahi-daemon invalid query packets and when i checked in net found that update the daemon. If i do dig, it is fine. How do i check the packet flow? and what are the other logs i need to consider.

Thanks for your support


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