So it wont detect it automaticaly like windows and Ubuntu?
Apparently not.
The file /etc/hosts is a list of names and IP addresses. It is part of how the IP address of a host is found, when not known. Here is a sample of my /etc/hosts file. YOur ISP's DNS servers will not know anything about your home configuration.
cat /etc/hosts
# generated by drakhosts duelie localhost Presto presto snail snail sluggy sluggy Presto_2 presto_2
Each line entry is for one host system. The IP address is first, the name is second, and an alias is third. Samba will work much better when you put a correctly updated hosts file on each system, including windbloze systems. Some systems will not 'see' a host with windbloze file sharing if you do not update the hosts file. On windoze, you can use the 'Find Files' to find your hosts file.
Samba. There are two parts to it, the Client and the Server. You only need the client on the Cento system to 'see' the other windoze file shares. The server is the only thing you will have to configure, if you want to turn the Centos system in to a samba server.
There are some good HowTo's on this forum, look under Tutorials and Networking for them.
Now, a NAS is a server. You need to fix the IP address of any server on your network. Two ways to do it.
First, statically define the IP address, then you know what it is, and it won't change.
Second way, if you have a router, in the router configuration, you define the MAC address of the host, and define what IP address you want it to always assign. Consult your router documentation on how to do this.