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Old 03-20-2003, 02:02 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
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Cannot Get NIC (Realtek 8201L) Activated on ASUS A7N266-VM MB

Has anybody been able to get Linux running on an ASUS A7N266-VM Motherboard? I have seen a few posts with tips, but there directions are sketchy...

I have been able to get RHL 8.0 installed and ALMOST working, but I am stuck with a working system with no way to get the NIC up and running.

And what fun is a Linux box without a network connection?

Here's what I have done so far.

In preparation for the install, I disabled the NIC and the Audio in BIOS--just becasue I wanted to avoid any chance that they would hang anything on install.

I then did an install of RHL 8.0 from CD. I installed in Text Mode, set it to boot in Text Mode (RunLevel 3) and chose LILO as the boot loader (I saw that there have been lots of problems getting GRUB to work). The install worked fine and I was able to get the system installed and to boot into RunLevel 3.

So far so good.

I downloaded the nVida drivers from the nVida web site and copied them to a CDR, ran which told me that I needed to install the following RPMs:


I installed the packages from the command line using

rpm -iv (package name)

and they installed just fine.

I changed the runlevel to 5 and rebooted, and as it was rebooting, I went into BIOS and enabled the NIC and Audio in BIOS.

I booted into X Windows and everything works just fine!


Here is where I am stuck. There is no NIC visible on the computer!

In the network control panel (System Settings --> Network) there is no NIC present. There is no driver listed for the Realtek 8201L. I have tried other Realtek drivers (8129, 8139) that are listed but I can not get them to activate.

(I have tried resetting the BIOS to default settings but still no go.)

Anybody have any luck getting this MF'ing MB working?

What am I missing?

Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

Feel free to email me at jfxberns-at-yahoo-dot-you know the rest .

All Hail the Mighty Penguin!
Old 03-20-2003, 11:21 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
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Bump it to the top!
Old 03-20-2003, 11:54 PM   #3
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post the output of this command:

lspci -v | grep Ethernet


Old 03-21-2003, 01:20 AM   #4
Registered: Aug 2002
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I posted with a similar problem here:

My problem was solved by using the graphical Network Device Control on my desktop in Red Hat 8.0. There is actually a button there to "activate" and "deactivate". I did have to install the device in the other graphical Network Configuration tool.

Is your audio working? Because that is the one thing that remains disabled for me. Also, did you by accident start your software installation with the Plug and Play OS feature disabled in the BIOS? It was disabled by default in my system. I suspect I may have done that.

I am considering a reinstall, thinking that I may be having video card problems for the same reason.
Old 03-21-2003, 02:17 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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This is pretty simple, go to and find the nforce directory, there are packages here containing the network and sound drivers for the nforce chip (these worked fine for me). This is all you're missing.
Old 03-23-2003, 01:32 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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Now that I have something solid to work with, the machine has started locking up at "finding module dependencies" on boot.

Arrrrgh! This should not be as hard as it is!

Thank you all for your replies.
Old 10-02-2003, 09:07 PM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
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i just wrestled through the same problem with the ethernet nic setup. so here's the bulk of the confusioin: asus makes the card, calls the brand realtek, but turns out to be nvidia. if you run /sbin/lspci you'll notice that most of the pci stuff is nvidia. you'll notice the ethernet controller gets in there as well as an nForce item. if you go to the nVidia website and search a bit you'll end up here:

where they claim this driver fixes the ethernet controller amongst other things for redhat 7,8,9. i'm installing now... i installed the rpm...checked the /etc/modules.conf file, edited the lines to match:

alias eth0 nvnet
alias sound-slot-0 nvaudio
alias usb-interface usb-ohci

like it says here:

...but i still don't see any new options when adding deviced under "network configuration." i'm not sure what else i have to do to get this up and running...


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