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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 03-05-2001, 06:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2001
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I'm new to Linux and have installed Mandrake 7.1 on a Windows ME machine. Tried to configure the network by working through the helpful tutorial on the Mandrake website and although I can now ping to and from my other Windows 98 machine I can't telnet onto the Linux box ????

Linux IP :
Windows IP :
Both Subnet :

If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

Old 03-05-2001, 07:36 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2000
Location: Toronto Canada
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you have to make shure telnet is running on your Mandrake box.Its usually started by inetd but Mandrake might use xinetd.either way check the config files for them.I know inetd.conf is in /etc but I newver used xinetd so I dont know where its config file is but some Mandrake user will.
Old 03-07-2001, 11:50 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Distribution: Redhat v8.0 (soon to be Fedora? or maybe I will just go back to Slackware)
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Are you trying to login as the 'root' user via Telnet? By default that is not allowed. Try telneting in as a regular user and then using 'su' to switch to 'root' if needed.
Old 03-07-2001, 12:32 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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I checked the Inetd.conf file and the telnet option is uncommented. It's not because I'm trying to telnet in as root as I can't even get to the login screen. The message is 'connection to host lost'.

I tried to use telnet on the linux box to connect to itself and this is also not working. Does that narrow down the problem ???

Thanks for the help so far.
Old 03-07-2001, 02:12 PM   #5
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Distribution: Redhat v8.0 (soon to be Fedora? or maybe I will just go back to Slackware)
Posts: 857

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Try this:

I use Redhat which is similar to Mandrake, and I would try this:

chkconfig --list telnet

That will tell you if it is on or off. If its off, issue this

chkconfig telnet on

You might want to try just turning it off and on anyway. Some other things to look at would be /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to see if there are entries in there that affect in.telnetd
Old 03-19-2001, 12:01 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Manila,Philippines
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Cool can't telnet

running windows first then exiting to ms-dos mode then
running loadlin to boot linux sometimes conflict with
my drivers esp. ethernet cards... i fixed this by running
lilo and booting directly to linux... the problem went away.

your prob. regarding connection to host lost reminded me of
the same error mesg. i once got after booting linux via loadlin...

if not... probably your eth0 is in need of repair? try other
nic's and see what happens. good luck!

Originally posted by gedo
I checked the Inetd.conf file and the telnet option is uncommented. It's not because I'm trying to telnet in as root as I can't even get to the login screen. The message is 'connection to host lost'.

I tried to use telnet on the linux box to connect to itself and this is also not working. Does that narrow down the problem ???

Thanks for the help so far.
Old 03-19-2001, 09:17 AM   #7
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Distribution: Redhat v8.0 (soon to be Fedora? or maybe I will just go back to Slackware)
Posts: 857

Rep: Reputation: 30


[Edited by KevinJ on 03-19-2001 at 09:19 AM]


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