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Old 09-06-2013, 09:42 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: New York
Distribution: Slackware 8
Posts: 102

Rep: Reputation: 16
Can i choose a specific bonded interface per vlan


I am working with some machines that only have two nics available. What I really would like to do requires 4 nics. If i had four nics, i would set up bond0 for network A traffic, and bond1 for network B traffic.

Since I only have two nics, here is what I would like to accomplish. I don't know if it is doable.
1. Setup bonded interface with vlans. (simple enough, i do it all the time).
- em1 and em2 become bond0.
- bond0 has two sub interfaces, bond0.100, and bond0.300

2. The tricky part that I don't know if it can be done.
- Have traffic for vlan 100 use bond0.100 and prefer to use em1
- Have traffic for vlan 300 use bond0.300 and prefer to use em2.
- In the event that one link goes down, then all traffic would go through a single interface.

I know i can set a priority for the bond0 interface to prefer a nic. But is there any way to have each vlan prefer a different sub interface? I imagine, that bond0.x would each need to have their own fake mac address.


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