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Old 09-18-2005, 06:28 PM   #1
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2004
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Can't ping from linux to Windows XP

Hi -

I've got Windows XP and Suse 9.3 on the same LAN. They're both DHCP. I can "telnet" from XP to Linux. I can "ping" from XP to Linux.

But I can't "ping" from Linux to XP.

Yes, I can "ping" from Linux to everywhere else ("ping" works fine from Linux). No, I don't have Windows firewall set up on my XP LAN connection.

I also disabled the "IPSec" service and the "TCP/IP|Properties|Advanced|TCPIP Filtering" under XP "Network settings", too.

I took an Ethereal capture of an attempted ping on my XP box. I could see the ICMP "ping requests". I could also confirm they were indeed coming directly from my Linux MAC address. Stupid Windows just wasn't responding back!

Why do I care?

I'm trying to get Cygwin X to work, and I believe the "hang" trying to open any X displays from Linux is exactly the same cause as the "hang" trying to pnig from Linux.

I believe that if I fix "ping", I'll also fix remote X.

Any sage advice?

Thanx in advance .. PSM
Old 09-18-2005, 09:25 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2004
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Problem resolved: A/V firewall!!!!

Hi -

I fixed the problem.

If it looks like a firewall, and it quacks like a firewall ... then it's probably going to wind up being a firewall!

My anti-virus software (Pc-Cillen, from Trend Micro: highly recommended, BTW! Better than both McAfee and Norton put together, IMHO...) installed itself with it's own firewall; it was blocking both "ping" and X-windows.

1. Went into Pc-Cillen Control Panel, [Network Security], [Personal Firewall],
2. Selected the default profile and clicked [Edit]
3. Clicked on the [Exception List] tab and clicked [Add]
4. Added firewall exceptions for:
a) Name= ping,
Target= all applications,
Connection= Incoming,
Action= ALLOW,
Protocol= ICMP,
IP Setting= Subnet Mask
b) Name= X-windows,
Target= c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\Xwin.exe,
Connection= incoming,
Action= ALLOW,
Protocol= TCP,
IP Setting= Subnet Mask
A couple of subtle (at least to me ;-)) points:
a) The Pc-Cillen firewall was an integral part of the Pc-Cillen system protection - it didn't want me to disable it (and, frankly, I didn't *want* to disable it. Despite the fact that it's not my primary firewall.)
b) When I made the new rules, I needed to allow *INCOMING* connections (the default in the GUI was to allow "outgoing" - not what I needed!)
c) I made the IP setting by "subnet mask" (the GUI default was "all IP addresses"). Since my network is, this let's me ping and use X windows freely in my network ... while still giving my full firewall protection from anything in the outside world.

Last edited by paulsm4; 09-18-2005 at 09:30 PM.


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