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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 07-20-2001, 07:11 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2001
Posts: 1

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Can't network linux with windows


I'm having a problem with a home network of 3 machines.

First is "desktop". A win2k machine with 2 NIC's. It acts as a gateway to my @HOME cable modem. The internal NIC has an IP of
I run WinProxy 4.x on it for:

The second machine is "laptop". A win2k laptop. It has an IP of and uses "desktop" as it's gateway, DNS and http proxy.

Now I'm trying to add a 3rd machine "linux". It's RedHat 6.1 and it's IP is
Initially, I set it's default gateway and DNS to ("desktop").

All 3 machines use a net mask of

"desktop" and "laptop" talk and can ping each other, but not to "linux". Pinging a win box from "linux" gives "Destination host unreachable" errors. Ping "linux" from a win box gives timeout errors.

"linux" can ping "localhost", "linux" and, but not either of the win2k machines (using either their names or IP's).

I then removed the gateway and DNS settings from the linux box and put the win2k machines in the /etc/hosts file. No change.

To rule out hardware, I connected my linux box directly to the cable modem, and assigned eth0 the IP, gateway and DNS assigned by my ISP. All worked. I could ping, telnet, etc. out to the internet so I'm sure the hardware and drivers are right. I'm using a LinkSys NIC and tulip driver BTW.

Ignoring for the moment that I'm trying to use "desktop" as my gateway (backward from most linux/windows networks), why can't my linux box talk to the win2k machines?

I've literally spent about 10 hours the last 2 days trying to figure it out. I've found several references to setting routes, ip masquerading, ip chains, etc. None of this seems to apply in my case, but I've tried several things without any change.

I want to eventually share files with Samba and the cable connection as well, but right now I can't even get ping to work.

Any ideas what to do or check? I shouldn't have to set a route should I? All machines are on the same subnet. "ifconfig" on the linux box shows eth0 as up and running with the correct IP and mask. It also shows a broadcast of Not sure what that is and I never set it.

Any ideas at all????

Old 07-20-2001, 10:01 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: India
Posts: 332

Rep: Reputation: 30

Check the Cables u are usig to connect the Linux Machine.

GIve netstat -rn and check u are getting the proper routing table.

Run tcpdump in one temrinal and try to ping ur laptop and other pc anc check the tcpdump outputs. u may get some solutions.

I am suspecting the cable.
Old 07-21-2001, 02:00 AM   #3
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broadcast address is rather odd. You sure you got the correct modules loaded for your Linux NIC?

Can your linux NIC ping

Get the basic networking figgerd out before playing with ipchains/tables.
Old 07-22-2001, 12:12 AM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: South Alabama
Distribution: Fedora / RedHat / SuSE
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Rep: Reputation: 58
Do this

ifconfig eth0 netmask

Since your default route is screwy you may want to do

route del default


then you should be able to




You can do this if you want a default route for internet access, your browser will be requesting ip addresses out of your network so this is required.

route add default gw

then edit /etc/resolv.conf


substitute your local dns.

that's all thats required,

except for browser proxy settings for netscape, this depends on how you are sharing the connection, proxy port, etc. If your other computer, works then use it's browser settings.

Last edited by DavidPhillips; 07-22-2001 at 12:24 AM.


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