I just installed RedHat 7.2 on my box at work. I brought up a web browser, but could not connect. Error message is "The operation timed out when attempting to contact
www.whatever.com." I get the same type of error no matter which browser I use. I even tried lynx/links and it failed. I can however ftp to any ftp sight (i.e., ftp.kernel.org).
Now, we use a socks server on port 1080 which I have defined in my preferences. I also have 'tsocks' installed pointing to a different socks server. When I use a 'socksified (using tsocks) lynx" browser I can get out to where ever, but not if I use a browser. I thought the problem would be the socks server, but that can't be the case because I'm currently using that server from my laptop on the same network as my desktop PC using a RedHat 7.2 fresh install. I also thought maybe it was something in my $HOME directory that was messing me up, so I logged in as root (which I hadn't used a browser with) and tried again, to no avail. Any ideas what the problem is?