Originally posted by skyyfox
i have fedora core 4 installed and a linksys lne100tx ethernet card and i plug the thing into my router and i still can't get on the internet. the network configuration shows my ethernet card. so what do i do now? is there anything else i can do, or do i have to buy a new ethernet card or am i stuck? i have already tried powering down my cable modem and router, that does nothing.
Try out with all of these steps ..
Try pinging your own IP first, coz might be your ethernet card would be inactive. So you need to activate it if you didnt get reply while pinging.
Try pinging your ADSL/router ip.
Have you defined gateway properly.
Run #mii-tool -v
to check the detailed info for your ethernet card.
Do run #mii-tool -r -R & then #mii-tool -v & checkback for any changes.