Slackware 10.1
I have been trying to get this DNS server up and running for a few days now, but I keep getting these "lame server resolving" errors. I have tried to use the prepackaged caching-nameserver-example that comes with Slackware, but it didn't work. I have tried the TLDP's DNS Howto for the Caching DNS setup, but, again, no luck. I have been examining my log an have noticed this error whenever I try to do a lookup:
Feb 23 21:25:48 router named[4045]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
or :
Feb 23 21:27:21 router named[4045]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
Feb 23 21:27:22 router named[4045]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
Feb 23 21:27:22 router named[4045]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
Feb 23 21:27:22 router named[4045]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
Feb 23 21:27:22 router named[4045]: lame server resolving '' (in ''?):
I should have all the root nameservers correct because I have built a root.hints file with a dig already, but that didn't fix it either.
The irony is that I had no problem when set up my friend's server...
The only difference between us? ISPs.
I have SpeedNet Wireless and he has RoadRunner Cable. I pay for a routable ip address form my ISP and can easily nmap to myself from my friends system. Port 53 shows to be open and accepting data. Would it be possible that my ISP is blocking my internal DNS server from performing its own lookups?
This is driving me CRAZY!,...please....!