I have problems with setting up a cable internet connection. I don't use DHCP, so i have to configure my IP-address, netmask, gateway and DNS IP-s manualy. (i'm using slackware 10.1) I tried with netconfig, but it didn't work, then i tried this:
ifconfig eth0 my-IP up
ifconfig eth0 netmask netmask-IP
route add default gw gateway-IP eth0
the last command outputed this error:
SIOCADDRT: network is unreachable
ifconfig doesn't report nothing unusual - no errors, it reports all IP's corectly. My IP address is in /etc/hosts, nameservers-IP's are in /etc/resolv.conf.
I tried to ping myself (, but i get this error message:
connect: network is ureachable
mii-tool posts the link is ok
I don't have any idea for fixing the problem, so please help if you can! My kernel is 2.6.9. and the internet connection worked via PPPOE and if i was using DHCP.